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Preben Fabricius & ...

Preben Fabricius & Jorgen Kastholm?  


andrew martin
Active Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 16
05/11/2013 3:01 am  

hi all,
I'm considering acquiring a pair of P.B.10 chairs by PREBEN FABRICIUS & JORGEN KASTHOLM, but i'm sure the leather straps are not the original ones and have been replaced at some point.
does this decrease the value of the chair, i'm ok with re-upholstering, should i be ok with this too?
thank so much

andrew martin
Active Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 16
05/11/2013 4:14 pm  

HELP! New production? replica?
hello all,
is there the possibility of new bp10 chair being produced? or does any one know of any replicas?
I went to check the chair (it is not the one in the picture, that is just for reference) i was thinking of acquiring, and it just looks too new! it does not look like it was produced in the 60s's.
the upholstery on the seat, which i was presuming new anyway, has a tag with the materials!
everything else looks like the pictures, the screws, the stitches, the curve on the back, the materials, but it looks new, and the owner was given them, and knows nothing (not even what he is selling)
i need help...
any expert of preben frabicius out there?
thanks so much


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