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Illustrious Member
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Posts: 558
22/02/2008 9:31 pm  

This looks like an interesting alternative for hanging posters. For the poster you love enough not to put tacks in, but not quite enough to have framed just yet. I'm ordering a set and will follow up.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 696
22/02/2008 9:37 pm  

Haven't these been around for years?
I collect vintage posters but its very hard to get off the peg frames for them as the sizes are now mostly metric rather than imperial

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 558
22/02/2008 9:50 pm  

They may have been around for years...
but they're new to me. I like the design.

Fungus Mungus (USA)
Noble Member
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22/02/2008 9:58 pm  

How about rare earth magnets and screws?
You can put 4-8 screws in the wall, roughly outlining the poster and then use those tiny rare-earth magnets to hold the poster to the screws. This sets the poster off the wall about 1/2 inch or so. A nice look. I've seen calligraphy displayed in galleries this way.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 696
22/02/2008 10:08 pm  

Because they're so light they tend to move
with any breeze or even by a closing door. They also crease all but the heaviest paper stock. The free nail's nice though....

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 558
23/02/2008 1:45 am  

What's best?
Paulanna, as a poster collector, can you suggest a system for hanging posters? I like the posterhanger design, but if there's a better system, I'd prefer it...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 696
23/02/2008 2:52 am  

Posters are a real pain. Good...
Posters are a real pain. Good vintage ones cost a lot in the first place, need linen backing (expensive) and cost a fortune to frame properly. Add to that the fact that the images are often quite bold and therefore difficult to display sympathetically and compete (visually) with paintings etc. Out of a collection of about 50 'good' posters I've only got 2 (a pair of late 30s E. McKnight Kauffer's) on display plus a few small ones propped on the fireplace in my office. The rest just stay rolled up from one year to the next. On a more postive note one poster framing system which I've seen and like a lot is one which is just 2 sheets of screwed together clear acrylic which sandwich the poster ( doesn't work on linen backed posters though)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
23/02/2008 5:02 am  

I made a
display system of vertical metal strips screwed to the doors of the ancient and tatty cabinets in my dining space (I rent). I used "plumber's tape," a perforated and galvanized steel band. I keep paper drawings up with little squares of magnet I snipped from a roll of magnetized plastic material; I left the white backing on.


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