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Please settle this ...

Please settle this argument, I don't want to hurt my best friend.  


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Posts: 102
05/04/2011 9:38 am  

My best friend Carrie gave me this aluminum white lamp and said, "It's totally vintage! Hold on to it." I don't think it is and I want to trash it.

But before I commit some major faux pas, let me ask far more knowledgeable people.

It has no label, no markings of any kind, and despite it looking like those LaGardo Tackett planters, I am trying to convince her it's not worth a damn or collectible in the least despite the fact tht she can't prove it either.

Which one of us is right? Please tell me this is Ikea or something so I can get her off my back LOL!

I'll happily give it back to her even if it IS worth something. Geesh.

Illustrious Member
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05/04/2011 9:49 am  

What a nice friend you have...
What a nice friend you have to give you that lamp.

Noble Member
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05/04/2011 9:53 am  

I bought something similar...
I bought something similar to that from a thrift store once, and used it for about a year before I realized that it was the base of a lava lamp. I'm thinking that's what this is...

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05/04/2011 9:55 am  

BWAHAHAHA!!! I fell over....
BWAHAHAHA!!! I fell over. I'm betting that's what this is too now that you mention it. Thank goodness the friendship is saved. I can't wait to see the look on her face.

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05/04/2011 4:47 pm  

Just keep it for friendship...
Just keep it for friendship sake. it doesn't take up too much room in a closet.

Noble Member
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05/04/2011 6:43 pm  

you could put a spherical globe on top of it and call it a day-very space age ;)...if nothing else-use it for ghost stories OOOooohhh....

Eminent Member
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05/04/2011 7:47 pm  

Not sure if it is vintage or...
Not sure if it is vintage or not. I have a blue one just like it and it is used to back light a credenza. Nothing wrong with it whether vintage or not. Just thank your friend and put it to use!

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05/04/2011 7:57 pm  

Not everything needs to be...
Not everything needs to be vintage or have a designer label, nor does your friend need to be told she is wrong about what she thought. You never know what will hurt some people.


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