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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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07/02/2009 10:39 pm  

My sleeping Labrador now hates you, Heath!
He really enjoyes those limes! 😉 Actually I have cats and their fur all over the place doesn't work in a design mag either.

Illustrious Member
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07/02/2009 10:51 pm  

HA! 'Get Real' indeed, I've g...
HA! 'Get Real' indeed, I've got some nice pieces but have the terrible habit of well ...being a filthy pig is the only way to put it, books in piles on the floor (and not in any cool sort of way) wine bottles in an embarrasing quantity, cut up bits of paper and drawings everywhere, power tools on the bed.
I remeber a few years ago Bernetton released an issue of its magazine on peoples homes worldwide, it was pretty cool but ther was still a bit of artifice there.

Illustrious Member
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08/02/2009 12:02 am  

Heath, totally
I always cringe when someone uses the words "visual interest". To me that translates exactly into a giant bowl of limes: pretty, but completely USELESS!
"Honey, did you buy another bushel of limes? Our visual interest seems to be showing some mold."

Illustrious Member
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08/02/2009 12:31 am  

yeah just how much vodka and soda you'd need to drink to get through all those limes is beyond me.
And does anyone know why limes are always so exensive compared to other citrus? Perhaps thats what they're trying to say "look how rich we are with all these limes we can afford"!

Illustrious Member
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08/02/2009 1:33 am  

And here...
I thought they were fake limes from Michael's craft store.

Illustrious Member
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08/02/2009 2:49 am  

fake limes, OMG, that would...
fake limes, OMG, that would be so inauthentic, what would Herman Miller think?
Oh well some people like flowers, other people like....citrus, or perhaps they are just fearful of scurvy, we should call them limeys.

Famed Member
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08/02/2009 6:17 am  

4 am and i am slightyl not...
4 am and i am slightyl not sober but i have gone a different route. i have reduced books t o abare minimum. just ketpt referewnce klirerature. i realized most books awee rfread only once and then left to collect dust. beyid the eaehticasl'homey ' feeling they give, what vakue tdoes that bring? ? gave them awaa y. away-. i-ll ost a photo eeetomorrorsw, i am dowqn ato ab out one tenth of twhat i once used o have. asy to fdnd they rare reagidesssslllesssreasgrdless treg rgreagrdflessreagrdflessregardless regqr regardless. yes!. i've enever ever misswed a single one ogf them. aand its's mademe really rediscover the librarym. a very ,dsfaurhrtrw away like robeerrrrrr said,. books aere the0 s acred cow among our opseessions.

Pegboard Modern
Illustrious Member
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08/02/2009 8:24 am  

Well said Gustaf!
I don't know all about you folks with your Penguin books, but in the past years our book collection has become comprised mostly of art and design books, with some interesting pop culture titles and a modest selection of literature/ novels that we consider our favorites and plan to re-read. We no longer buy books that you'd only read once and instead get them from the local library. Hence, we have a lot of books that we actually reference regularly and therefore arrange them by subject; and within subject we have them arranged by size (to get the most of the shelf height). I am not going to deny that I'm not anal retentive... at least a bit. We are fortunate to have a separate small room that we can use as our library or reading room. For us it's the best of both worlds. We get to have our books accessible, but if we don't want to look at them, we can just close the door.
Unless you have no more than a handful of books, color coordinating them makes about as much sense to me as arranging your socks by thread count. But really, I could not care less what anyone does in their home. They have to live with it not me. When I started this thread I was just trying to be funny and lighten the mood around here. Seems folks have been way too uptight about shopping ethics and the status of the modern design big-box store (another joke, don't start yelling at me about DWR).
I could have just as easily started with a rant about everyone in Dwell magazine being photographed without any shoes on. What the hell is that? Are shoes uncool now? Are they all hippies? Is Dwell sore that their line of footwear tanked? I'm kidding again... It is nice to see people cracking wise and making jokes. I mean, isn't this passion of ours all supposed to kinda' be fun, life affirming and enriching?
Anyone want to share photos of their bookshelves? C'mon, fess up.

Illustrious Member
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08/02/2009 8:34 am  

OHG, Gustaf
wait until you read your post in the morning.

Illustrious Member
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08/02/2009 9:03 am  

Its just a revolting mess, I...
Its just a revolting mess, I need one of those fascist organisation gurus from Oprah to come in and arrange my socks for me, trouble is I'd need them to come back once every 4 days.
Those homes in the magazines, I shake my head, They're big emotional fridges.

Robert Leach
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08/02/2009 3:23 pm  

I'll go first ..
3 unstaged pictures of 3 bookcases displaying only mild OCD tendencies...
*ready for my free psychoanalysis*

Illustrious Member
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08/02/2009 5:02 pm  

No shoes in the house
Is obviously a long-standing custom in Asian cultures, and perhaps it is now catching on in the more occidental regions of the world. I am of Asian descent so it is practically second nature for me to remove my shoes upon entering someone's home.* Traditions aside, it certainly makes sense in carpeted homes. For harder floor coverings, in my opinion, it depends on the type of surface. I enjoy bare feet on hardwood. Concrete, I could go either way depending on the temperature.
*Since having my own place, I do enjoy the convenience of running up the stairs to grab something I forgot, without having to take my shoes off. Though I still feel a tinge of guilt and can hear my mom yelling at me in my head....

Famed Member
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08/02/2009 5:26 pm  

my turn
Totally unstaged except that I pulled some stuff out from in front of the low ones so that the books are actually visible. Now I'm inspired to put that stuff away somewhere else.
The dude is a carved wood sculpture by my brother and is going somewhere else eventually but I rather like him there. The low bookcases are Billys from IKEA and are floating but have been sagging and pulling away from the wall in an ominous way. The floor under them has settled. I really must do something about it.
The tall ones are Billys, too. The whole mess needs tidying and straightening and I really must try to break my habit of sticking unrelated stuff on the shelves because it's easier than finding somewhere else to put it.
But aside from all that, I really love how my books look.

Illustrious Member
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08/02/2009 5:41 pm  

That sculpture is amazing...and a little terrifying.

Illustrious Member
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08/02/2009 5:42 pm  

For a full minute, before reading the text
I stared at that "sculpture", assuming it was Spanky wearing a mask. "Wow, she's really fit...look at those arms! Why is she wearing only one pink stocking? She seems kinda weird..."

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