Can anyone help me identify/appraise this chair? It was damaged in a move and I am not able to find any definite information on it online. I need to send prices into the moving company and have nothing to go by.
The base is SOLID wrought iron. Most chairs that I have seen like this are on a hollow steel base that is similar, but bulky. When I acquired it, it had a sticker on the back that read "Made in British Hong Kong" The only company I've been able to find that operated from there was Calif-Asia, but after seeing similar chairs that were definitely made by Calif-Asia, they used the hollow steel bases.
I've read online anywhere from Milo Baughman to Paul McCobb designed these, but I don't think anyone really knows for sure. Any help would be appreciated.
differences but I think these are fairly generic chairs. Ask for 200 and cross your fingers.
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