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Illustrious Member
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10/01/2007 8:25 pm  

The iPhone unveiled yesterday doesn't need any more hoopla, but as a lay observer I have to say it looks eminently desirable. How does the DA crowd feel about it?

Noble Member
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10/01/2007 8:54 pm  

not all
once apple was trendsetting with their designs but this phone has just the same style as the 5 years old ipod. so i am not thrilled about it. then the technological features; not really revolutionary knowing that this phone will only be available in europe in december and you can already find most of the features on existing phones. it seems that apple introduced it because of the stockholders and price of the shares. like the microsoft zune; this iphone is not worth mentioning. this phone will nevertheless be something that the real appleafficionados would love to have.

Illustrious Member
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10/01/2007 9:50 pm  

I am tired of this race towards over complication. I really don't want a phonecameramp3playerschedulercontactmanagercoffeemakerbedspreadsubmarine!
Have you seen the Bang & Olufsen Serene mobile phone?

Illustrious Member
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10/01/2007 10:02 pm  

Nor me...
I have a moblie that does lots of things ,like pictures / music / email and web, but i only use the phone bit!. I was given one of those Blackcurrant things as a gift and i have never used it because its so dull looking.Also, the time when i really need a mobile is when i have been on the voddy and then i need one with buttons that i can see!, preferably one big one with "help" on it.I use Apple Macs with my work (not work really) and when im out so i do like Apple products but the iphone looks like something else i dont need (or want), sorry Apple.

Estimable Member
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10/01/2007 10:15 pm  

apple phone = new sony
Short of the larger data storage, this phone has all the same features as my four year old Sony 800. I don't think the p800 was marketed in the US, but there's nothing new, certainly nothing revolutionary, to this apple phone.

Illustrious Member
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10/01/2007 10:28 pm  

Boy, you guys are tough!
The B&O is pretty neat, and I agree that feature-bloat is annoying, but isn't the simplicity of the Mac form a big advance over the sheer ugliness and clumsy interfaces offered in most of the phones available in the US?
On the other hand, though, the name 'iPhone' strikes me as a clunker.

Robert Leach
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11/01/2007 2:14 am  

Like Vivienne
I need a phone to make phone calls..nothing else.. I have a great digital camera, and an MP3 player, and a perfectly good transitor radio
I stil lended up with one that has a radio, and can connect ot the internet
They ought to make 'Senior ranges' ;o)
love the B&O though 😉

James Collins
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11/01/2007 4:50 am  

Apple has done again what they have allways done well, the human-machine interface. I've used a Moto Razr for 3 years and the iPhone doesn't add a whole lot of new features but what is DOES add is an interface that lets you use all the stuff and never need to RTFM (that's a tech support acronym for Read The Fucking Manual). Apple has allways understood that it's not about the features, it's about the ease of use.

James Collins
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11/01/2007 5:01 am  

B & O Serene mobil
The "dial" shaped keypad will doom this ridiculous product to niche status. You can't expect generations of people raised on the 3x3 numeric pad to use this. Try text messaging on this thing. You say you don't text message? Well the kids all do and in twenty years they will be buying products and we will be pushing up daisies.
Another example of B & O form over function.

Illustrious Member
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11/01/2007 3:14 pm  

Surely you meant to say "read the FLIPPING manual"?.

Illustrious Member
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11/01/2007 5:11 pm  

Ah yes, I remember this from my Tech Service days. Like Vivienne we were careful to be a bit more politic that James.
And James just what shape is the Apple iPOD controller, hmmmm? Might it just be round? I think perhaps you missed the point.

James Collins
Illustrious Member
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11/01/2007 8:32 pm  

round controller
The apple round controller does not try to mimic the old rotary phone dial like the B & O does. On the iPhone you can display a full numeric keypad OR a full qwerty keypad. The round iPod controller was just for music. It's not about the shape it;s about the function.
And RTFM stands for read the f**king manual.

Illustrious Member
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11/01/2007 9:04 pm  

Funny, I don't see the B&O phone as a mimic of the old rotary, but rather as an adaptation to allow room for the center control that is iPod-like. I grew up when rotary was going extinct and the 3x3 was new. I don't react to the B&O layout as being like the 'stick-your-finger-in-and-swing-it-around' format of the rotaries. Besides, if a circular shape is a 'ridiculous' design form then why the massive popularity of the iPOD? I find the round format very comfortable to use. That being said, I have just ordered a RAZR phone. The B&O was just too expensive (I got the RAZR for free)and was missing the one feature I really like, an external clock screen that displays the incoming call.

Illustrious Member
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11/01/2007 9:09 pm  

One more thought...
YOu'rew right, texting is a rare occurance for me, I just don't have that much inconsequential drivel to communicate in a day. But, it strikes me that the rotary layout versus the 3x3 wouldn't really be all that different to utilize. When I see the kiddies 'texting' they all seem to hold the phone in both hands and punch the keys with their thumbs. I can't visualize why that would be harder to do in a circular format.

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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12/01/2007 12:50 am  

I agree with Olive
Kids take to new technology so much quicker tha n'we' do
We text a lot more here in the UK than you folks in the US..but I wouldn't see a rotary dial as a hindrance..with the phone held in both hands each numeral is probably closer in a circular format..I'd soon learn it..and I ain't a kid ;o)

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