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Peter Lovig Desk  

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bobbdavs (UK)
Honorable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 121
09/04/2012 2:38 pm  

Thats exactly the type of...
Thats exactly the type of thing I was alluding to Foxxy, it puts people off posting and afterall this forum would be nowhere near as intresting, without the varied posts that it gets. Sometimes we just have to be a bit more patient and remember everyone starts somewhere. No-one was born with an mcm design encyclopedia implanted in their brain...ok maybe some, but not many.
Vote: Pegboard for Moderator!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4376
09/04/2012 8:55 pm  

I think most of the regulars here will be happy to explain any running jokes. I think this kind of thing is what makes a hangout fun for the regulars and most of us do not do it for the purpose of excluding new folks. (That said, I've been here a long time and I don't get every single running joke going.)
Also, there are one or two people who have a habit of being rude and condescending to even other old-timers, so please don't feel as if new people are their only target!

Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 229
09/04/2012 9:02 pm  

Hello everyone,We have...
Hello everyone,
We have just moderated this thread. We are sorry for not having been more involved the last few days. We took a couple days off for Easter.
We also like the idea of having one or several of you as moderators but it is technically not possible with this version of the forum. But as soon as it is possible, we hope that one of you will be voluntary. It is particularly important to take turns when it is night for us in Europe and the day for some of you in the US or Australia.
We will try to do our best in the meanwhile. As a reminder, whatever the disagreements, insults and personal attacks are never tolerated. Thank you for your understanding.
Patrick & Alix

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