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Pepsi Twist'n Go by...

Pepsi Twist'n Go by IDEO  


Jyri Snellman (FIN)
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Posts: 412
12/08/2008 7:38 pm  

If it really is reusable, it should be machine-washable.
Some design books say that International Paper Corporation's Paper Chairs were washable.

Noble Member
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Posts: 249
12/08/2008 10:04 pm  

I say less plastic and styroam products!
As for the design of the cup, they might have met the requirements needed but it isn't very attractive. And seriously how many times will someone use one of these they will just end up in a landfill.
This is a student designed chair, but I doubt anyone wants this in there living room.

Estimable Member
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Posts: 80
12/08/2008 10:36 pm  

there's another problem here
I find this to be a bit disturbing:
"The offset of the spout gives the cups -- which come in 32-ounce and 44-ounce sizes -- a unique character."
32-ounce and 44-ounce sizes?!
For a single drink?!
As far as this thing ever being reused...i doubt it.
Unless the restaurants offer a discount of some sort for bringing back the cup for a refill, this thing is just going to end up in the trash...or as litter blowing across the parking lot.
It seems litter from fast-food restaurants is the most prevalent type in my neighborhood.
I'm not particularly looking forward to picking up litter
that's the same size as the trash receptacle it belongs in.

Robert Leach
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13/08/2008 12:32 am  

It is abhorrent on every level

Big Television Man
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13/08/2008 3:44 am  

Repellant, Repulsive and Ridiculous
44 ounces is 4 ounces shy of four 12 ounce cans which translates to something like 64 teaspoons of sugar, MOOOOOO indeed!

Jyri Snellman (FIN)
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Posts: 412
23/10/2009 6:57 pm  

Landfill archeology is...
...fascinating thing in its own way....

Illustrious Member
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23/10/2009 9:22 pm  

Stupid and not a realistic sustainable solution
I've been thinking about filling devices for water (and I suppose soda, which is really horrible stuff. We need some kind of device that safely and sanitarily fills a personal, reusable water bottle, like a Sigg bottle. This would be great at airports where you can't carry in water from home and then are stuck with the overchlorinated spew that comes out of drinking fountains. I'd happily pay for good filtered water in my own reusable container!
And Jyri, landfill archaeology and landfill mining have been written about in scifi literature for about 30 years!


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