Design Addict




Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
04/08/2007 9:06 am  

a customer came by the shop the other
day and said he had a great chair and wanted redone One of the guys called me to take a look and the fellow said all he knew it was a old chair from the 40's or 50's that his grandma had in a streamline modern house that she owned and built in 1937 and the designers name was PAUL I thought for a minute more like 30 what Paul could this one be , it was great looking
The names that came to mine were FRANKEL, EVANS,MCCOBB,LAZLO,Williams,Mayan
After spending most of the day really trying to track the chair down it turned out to be a speed chair by Paul Frankel I think that is a very expensive chair, but it was done by Paul

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
04/08/2007 10:26 am  

is this it?
is this it?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
04/08/2007 10:20 pm  

that is the chair the arms...
that is the chair the arms are really fat and roomy very DECO. This old chair that the guy had on the back of the truck had the original Deco fabric It was a shame he had only one and the fabric was gone something you would have seen in South Beach in Miami Beach in the 40's way cool


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