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Paul McCobb Double ...

Paul McCobb Double Pedestal Planner Series Desk  


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Posts: 12
29/09/2009 8:00 pm  

Good Morning,
Can someone tell me the type of wood used in this McCobb Double Pedestal Planner Series Desk. It appears to be maple with a walnut finish, but I'm not sure. Please click on the picassa link.
Thank you so much!

Illustrious Member
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30/09/2009 5:11 am  

Nice desk
I believe mostly used birch wood, but also possibily mahagony or walnut. Remember, the Planner Group collection was specifically a popular-priced alternative to the George Nelson Basic Storage, etc.

Noble Member
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Posts: 237
28/12/2009 12:24 am  

Planner Group would have...
Planner Group would have been made of either Birch or Hard Maple depending on the year of construction. The legs were always made of birch, the cases varied depending on the year. Since this desk started production in 1953 it is most likely Birch

Prominent Member
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Posts: 185
30/12/2009 6:54 pm  

That's maple for sure. They...
That's maple for sure. They used a lot of Canadian maple at Winchendon. I thought the legs were maple as well, but its really hard to tell the difference between the two. Heywood Wakefield was mostly all birch, so if you study the grain of that stuff, you will start to notice the way the maple grain looks. The maple will wear down sandpaper much faster... if you get that into it.


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