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Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4376
16/06/2015 6:47 pm  

My oldest brother turns 63 today. Here's a snappy of him at age 2. I remember this McCobb chair being glossy black and I have wondered if that was original and now I see that it's not!

He has the chair now and he stripped it years ago and put some kind of clear finish on it. He didn't know what it was but he's an artist with a good eye.

This is also the chair that I fell against while horsing around as a young teen---smacked my cheekbone, hard, on the pointy front corner of the seat. That HURT.

Anyone else have any old family pics with cool stuff?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
16/06/2015 8:32 pm  

Hi there spanky!
Well, I happen to have a picture of my lovely grandmother (wearing a mink coat, red lipstick, and sensible shoes) perched upon a Herman Miller the hospital waiting room awaiting my precious birth. Not shown are the highballs and cigs. It was January. I wore nothing.
Your Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1274
16/06/2015 9:54 pm  

Well, in the lower right corner there is the top part of a shell chair. Not sure if that this the kind of cool stuff Spanky had in mind though... Me on the right, and I figure if Spanky can take the liberty of posting a picture of her brother on an internet forum, I will go ahead and include mine...(I will ask their permission later)
On a perhaps more interesting note, this house had been rented out to either actors or production crew for the movie/musical "Paint Your Wagon" (starring Clint Eastwood, Lee Marvin, and Jean Seberg) several years before my parents bought it. The owners who had rented the house out (and later sold it to my parents) said that the director had noticed the wallpaper in this dining room, and thought it would be perfect for the saloon that was being built on the movie set. They ordered a bunch of it from the local hardware store, and it is indeed used in the saloon in the movie.


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