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Opinions on this lamp?  

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Illustrious Member
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20/06/2008 3:41 pm  

The room seems a little dark...
I might go with slate instead of pitch.

Illustrious Member
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20/06/2008 6:42 pm  

Cacerolazo lamp, the idea.
Thanks everybody for the opinions. I,ll comment at the end.
C A C E R O L A Z O L A Z O . L A M P
Is inspired in a very special "component"
that solved/helped to solve the 2001 argentine crisis: the cacerolazo or (saucepan /pan casserole).
This is like an ,,homenaje,, (homage/tribute) to the ,,star,, that had a starring role of the crisis.
But I want to recall THE caceroalzo, the one of that 2001 December 21,
when after a TV message Mr. De La Rua President, everybody, low, middle and high class all went out absolutely spontaneous (With noisy soucepans), in all the county..
That cacerolazo was the one that 24hs later De la Rua gone (in helicopter), .
Most interesting is that bigest cacerolazos are spontaneous and non-partisan.
S p o n t a n e o u s.
Is it like impossible that everybody goes out to make noise at the same time and make that a stupid president leaves the pink house in 24 hs?
Or maybe it,s just a tool, to claim for your rights, and in very special occasions, had magic results. Almost miraculous.
It,s like in a cacerolazo a saucepan turns into a ,,magic pan,, because you join all the energy of all the people in one event. And nobody needs to be call! All that energy that,s in the air, you put it into the sucepan.
That,s it: in a cacerolazo a saucepan turns into a ,,magic saucepan,,.
Yes, magic casserole not cacerola magica, dosen,t sound good (unhappy memories)
No no no, Magic Pot, yes yes MAGIC POT. Magic pot lamp.

Illustrious Member
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20/06/2008 6:44 pm
If you want to hear how a cacerolazo sounds just click on the right ,,sonar cacerolas,, and choose your favorite sound.
Does sound unpleasant? Now, If your president is doing things worng, please, listen it
Again, and again. Wait a bit and you,ll listen music. If your president is doing things right, fortunately you,ll won,t need to.

Illustrious Member
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20/06/2008 6:45 pm  

Specifications n What does people/costumers thinks about it.
Material: aluminium
Finish: High polish
Other material in process: Chromeplated Steel with high bright polish.
Size: diam 15-19 cm high: 18cm
Max power: 60-150watts
Hanging system: wire/cable (but better will be 3 samll wires + cable???)
Main Supplier of raw material: Saucepans from a Saucepan factory.
Estimated final retail price: $arg. 157.90 (u$s 49.00)
Grade of development: 1or 2 steps after prototype
What does people/costumers thinks about it?
The lamp had a quite acceptation / approval among the general public because of the aesthetics and the design itself, but. . .
People like it, I like it, maxium power? How much? etc etc everything ok, but at the moment I tell (argentines) where is it inspired from, 70-80% of them transform the smiley pretty lamp face into an I don,t know / unhappy memories in mind.
When the same happens with non argentines, tourists, (i e: French and Americans) they transform the smiley ?pretty lamp face into a guffaw.

Illustrious Member
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20/06/2008 6:45 pm  

Cacerolazo reloaded
Worst of all!as we say, or Best of all!,
what I thought it was history. . . it became absolutely last news.
Last Friday a new huge spontaneous cacerolazo again!,
And again Mrs President need to solve a 100 days problem.
Of course it was ,,a must,,.
I had to be there! Something that I couldn,t miss out on!.
Developing a piece of history that became the strongest present!
So cacerola and camera in hand with my wife and my 3 years old son dressed as a farmer, to the cacerolazo.
Of course I took photos, but need to resize them and all that.
I,ll download photos that proved how a cacerola remains, and how and who use it.
I,ll try to post them later.
Here is a what happened explain by one blogger:
I got back home at around 7 PM, and one hour later I was proven terribly wrong.
I was exhilarated. On edge. Finally! I only wished I could've been there. People were banging pots and pans or honking their horns or simply out on the streets singing or waving flags, disorganized but not incoherent. Thousands (some say 10,000, some say 40,000 or more) in Rosario around the Flag Memorial, many thousands also in several parts of Córdoba City, thousands in Buenos Aires near the Obelisk and also in Olivos, in front of the presidential residence, where the previous night a small group of demonstrators had been forced to leave by a group of government-paid thugs. And in La Plata, Posadas, Catamarca, Santa Cruz, San Rafael and Mendoza City, Chaco, in the larger cities and the towns of the deep countryside and even the places dominated by Kirchnerist administrations. Some were asking for the President to leave; most demanded that she act ? do what must be done to put the country back on track, and send the First Gentleman back to where he belongs.
This week again, the magic cacerolazo made the imposible, Next morning the nightly cacerolazo: Mrs president begin to solve an old problem (100 days) with farmers. In minutes!
(Because if she didn,t she would need to call the helicopter again).
Here is quite well explain:

Illustrious Member
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20/06/2008 6:46 pm  

I,m interested also to share it with you, because this is the first of a series of that I,ve been talking about ,,design is XXI,s rock,, etc, etc, etc, and perhaps reflects the spirit of what was is in ,,some points for a manifesto,,.
And also a way to tell you what, s happening in this other corner of the world, but with design sound.
So I don,t know...
After comments of costumers I didn,t know what to do/think, but
then I realize, I don,t need to tell everybody, perhaps I .
When we listen to music, I don,t know, let,s say Pink Floyd, the wall, perhaps don,t need to remember and rethink about how teaching models are/ were, every time we listen, perhaps, lots of people listen music and never realize what are they talking about, and are singing happy here and there. And it,s OK. If 5% or 1% feels/understands the concept/idea it,s more than acceptable. The message is there, and that,s all, like a message in a bottle?
I,m not completely sure that will fit the concept of expressing this ideas over an object.
I,m pretty sure is the way. It,s one way me-you-we should follow.
But is not accepted now, because we had a present (history indeed) that tell us that an industrial object lamp had to say nothing but give light.
I don,t know
Is not too much, too strong?
What,s wrong what,s right?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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20/06/2008 6:47 pm  

Thanks for all opinions
Dear everybody:
SDR, we already have some ideas how to make it work!
It,s true that ,, the wrinkles have to be somehow. . ."designed",, and would be a problem to solve to made them in large quantity?
Perfectionism - must have excellent high end.
I agree with Lucifersum / claus (perfectionism) / woofwoof / and robert
Lucifersum; Thanks, absolutely agree, with the polish and was in mind.
But I don,t know if have to reflect the pan/casserole origin,
I thought on leaving the handles?, mmm I prefer a very soft/light tasting to something, and those that wants to know ask/realize or not.
If not will be too "bizarre", I prefer to ,,light,, to ,,polish,, the object, to make a contrast with the concept.. ,,light,, , neat,, object vs a strong content.
Again I agree with claus a perfectionism, that,s the challenge I think.
I,m following that, I,m asking the factory to try to produce them or in stainless steel or in steel to chromate later, but the models of the socepans are for made them in aluminum (steels are harder), and aluminum polished while could be very polish, not as as much as chromate and time will opaque it. IIts necessary to be chomated
Some spetial hangig system, not just the cord
perhaps something more little detail?
Perhaps I have to ask the factory to see how much bright can get the aluminum. (not enough now). Because when the pot is banged loose some of the bright..
If that perfectionism is not achieved will look as a ,,home made lamp,, as Riki said.(thanks Riki)
A rifle in a cacerolazo, oh, not at all, they are noisy but very peaceful!
Those playful ideas are good because we can play in our head with those concepts.
And shows that have many possibilities..
,,You've given up coming up with ideas, thrown away your sketches...reached into the wastebasket and a light came on.,,
I work in store that,s actually an "open atelier", and I had one of those banged saucepans turned upside down.. and a costumer bought it as a ,,cool wastebasket,, I told her that was a future lamp, but she wanted it as a wastebasket!!!
Checked with the manifesto, if it,s not reflecting it, or I should avoid it, or perfectionist it.

Illustrious Member
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20/06/2008 7:10 pm  

thanks cont.
Other similar shapes/ideas:
Thanks Heath, I?ll check Droog ,,do hit,,
In the manner of:
In the manner of, this is the object I feel more free and independence,
Could have an air to Ghery , to this or to that or if you prefer...
Check last Artemide..
But, it,s something that,s in the air.
But to me, is in the manner of an argentine cacerolazo. The strongest sound that I hear, no doubts, I was inspired by argentines banging pans.
It,s something that,s in the air. Perhaps promotion will tell tomorrow who is the ?owner? of the style. It,s the first time I feel absolutely free and owner in part with no ,,,debt,,, to anybody. Just as owner as any argentine that something very inside told us to go out to the street to ,,bang a pan,, as mad as we can. How could be that so many argentines at the same time feel the same?
Is that reflected in the lamp?
Thanks again

Illustrious Member
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20/06/2008 8:46 pm  

there you have it: lamp as political memento.
Guess we could use one of those in this country (USA) !
Perhaps this object will only have it's full meaning, and be correctly understood, in its native habitat ?
I would like to see the chromed version.
Maybe the pull-chain light switch could be a plastic vegetable, "falling out" of the cacerolazo ?

Illustrious Member
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20/06/2008 9:00 pm  

Maybe hang a wooden spoon from it as a pull chain to symbolize the banging.

Patrick - desig...
Noble Member
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20/06/2008 9:44 pm  

Dear Gustavo, thank you for sharing this project with us. I don't have time to comment now but there are a lot of interesting ideas in the previous messages.
Two quick remarks:
- For the people who want to transform your lamp in a waste basket they can buy the swedish "Bin Bin" (link below).
- The steel or stainless steel option doesn't seems very practical (to heavy and to hard to be easily deformed).

Illustrious Member
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21/06/2008 4:27 am  

I'm interested in the idea of things designed as damaged...
Shortly after WWI, there was consensus among many great artists of the time that civilization WAS ruined. Many artists created art that was meant to be viewed as broken.
One of the most famous and lasting of these was "The Waste Land" by poet T.S. Eliot. In it, Eliot abandoned the conceit of a poet building a poem through an orderly, and perfectly structured lyrical narrative. Instead, Eliot opted for the conceit of a poet building a poem out of the wreckage of a civilization. The poet worked with broken fragments, pieces of elegantly written stanzas, and vignettes and assembled them into a poem, that was the poetic equivalent of a shelter refugees might make from wreckage.
Picasso's Guernica is another, much later example of portraying a ravaged society in terms of its wreckage skillfully composed.
But your bucket shade is not about fragments and shards. It is about intact objects deformed into damaged, but still functioning artifacts.
Dare I label it?
D E F O R M E D . E X P R E S S I O N I S M
Manifesto Incognito.
To get it, or not to get it/
That is the question?

Illustrious Member
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21/06/2008 7:57 am  

I'm worried about this trend ...
I'm worried about this trend in design,(no offense to gustavo, I admire his determination) it has been with us for a long time and has, dare I say it, not contributed too much to society.
It is only stimulating to those living in the design milieu. The overtly intellectual and the very dry 'wit' of Droog et al...its almost pure conceptualism but people forget that even the most modest objects must be concieved too and usually are without hyperbole.

Illustrious Member
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25/06/2008 2:05 pm  

There are two sides to consider:
There are two sides to consider:
is the ,,design,, ,,aesthetic,, side, that,s the one all you,ve been talking about.
And Two,
about the idea, or the concept (in this case, the cacerolazo), and to link it or not to the object, and if it,s accurate or not to attached to the object.
Before to post, I thought that the second (the relationship concept-object) would be where could have more feedback more brainstorming But finally was more in the first!
But the most interesting: is that had about the same sensation than before with customers! the same happens in other places. . .
Different people / different cultures: about the same problem..
So that was a great learning, that this is also the
point where have to work more, or the one more risky.
The challenge will be to find the exact amount of suggestion.
learning, that this is not the route, I don,t know, thinking that it could be better or well not say anything at all, or have to give a very very light , soft idea, about it, and the final
user understand what they want....
I think that,s the most interesting thing of the project, find the
exact amount of suggestion, not too much nor too little..
Move the cacerolazo explain to other place...(?)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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25/06/2008 2:10 pm  

Well, finally I could arrive here!
The design side, where we should. . .
enjoy and relaaaax.
Two great improvements!:
Woof-woof, I didn,t really pay enough much attention, and re-reading:
About the on-off system, by Touching the lamp, ,,, much the same way a bucket or can is kicked,,, as you said.
Touching better than twacking, : ) I was searching for that, thinking was a ,,subliminal,, thing : ),
But ,,subliminal,, was the idea itself!, Is the perfect subtle accent. It,s perfect!, the perfect clue.
But was a ceiling lamp, (that was spouse to be turned on-off from the wall).
But perfect to table lamp, why not to include a new member to the family? So the family will grow!
But I also liked the idea of turning on-off with something hanging, as SDR n Riki said, also great, perhaps just the little typical little chain is OK,
As ending of the typical little chain: the round part of a small tea spoon? (or a complete little tea spoon is too much?)
But if the on-off will be by touching, the spoon could turn into the foot of the shade? (perhaps those ,,spoon for cakes,, or a reinterpretation. . . ) That's reminds me the Philip Starck gun series lamps. Where the foot is a gun. This could be the peaceful, Ghanidian version?

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