Pictures might help, but I...
Pictures might help, but I tend to like to clean the wood with 100% murphy's oil soap followed by mineral spirits just to remove the residue oil from the soap. Then I simply rub in a couple coats of 100% tung oil, buff with #0000 steel wool in between, and finish it up with a few coats of beeswax polish.
I would just do
straight up teak oil and a little steel wooling to remove any crud or old oil that is on there. In my experience, Murphy's Oil Soap dries the wood out more than necessary.
If you want a more impervious finish, or one with more sheen, then do a tung oil finish with some varnish in it. But the chair will develop patina from use anyway, so I'd just do oil and let the sheen develop from actual use.
what about
these products.....I am glad someone asked this question here...this is what I typically use to bring back my teaks and stuff like that. Now I did go buy a big jug of Teak Oil to use on a table...I am guessing I got some kind of wierd product or somthing but it seemed more like a finish or varnish...and definetly smelled that way....these products have always done the trick for me...and have never had a complaint from the many people/places that buy from me...Are these produces not good for teak/rosewood/walnut?
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