Design Addict


Northern South Afri...

Northern South African Canaletta  


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Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1
17/10/2011 3:55 am  

I read this great article about Eames wooden lounge chairs on the web site. The word that caught my eye was Canaletta one of the woods used for these chairs at one time. Over 30 years ago, I bought a flitch of Canaletta veneer and even built a 2' X 8 ' veneer press. I went all out, 6061 aluminum plate, maple stock with 24 Jorgenson press screws, and three 8' long by 4 inch I-beams. I never used the press or the veneer and all sits in my garage. Why i didn't use the press is a long story so, I won't get into that.

Now, I want to see what is the true worth of this veneer and even whether or not there is a market for it. Every veneer site that I went to doesn't seem to have this veneer. I am just wondering if this tree is extinct?

Can anyone give me some direction? What would you do with the veneer if you were I? What about the press? Is that not old technology?


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