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Noguchi rice repair

Noguchi rice repair  


Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 279
22/11/2013 3:19 am  

I would love a Noguchi rice-paper pendant lamp (the ubiquitous sphere one) but they are very expensive for one measuring 55cm. This is the first time I have EVER contemplated getting a fake anything. Can any design addicts out there recommend a close approximation of an affordable Noguchi style rice paper lantern?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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22/11/2013 6:45 am  

The Noguchi lamp costs around $150.
These Ikea lamps cost around $10 each, plus $5 for a 5-meter cord and socket.

Noble Member
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Posts: 279
22/11/2013 6:55 am  

Thanks Fast Forward. I am also considering a Nelson Bubble lamp by modernica. I have connections that might be able to sell me one at cost.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1721
22/11/2013 8:09 am  

The thing is...
If $150 is a lot of money to spend on a lamp, I'm not sure that $110 (the retailer's cost) or even $75 (Black Friday 50%-off super sale) would feel much more reasonable.
I say this here about once a year:
If you buy exactly what you want, you'll enjoy it every time you use it and you will quickly forget how much it cost. If you purchase something less expensive but which you don't like as much, you'll feel a little disappointed every time you see it regardless of the great deal you got.

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 279
22/11/2013 2:52 pm  

thanks fast forward. the nel...
thanks fast forward. the nelson lamp by modernica is in no wsy a compromise. in fact it is probably much more durable than the naguchi rice papet.

Eminent Member
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Posts: 37
22/11/2013 7:33 pm  

50% off
Where do they sell the lamps 50% off on Black Friday? I would love to pick one up next week at that stellar price.
On that note. Although I loathe the madness of Black Friday, if I can sit at home and order great designs at an excellent price I am not so opposed.
What other killer designs at great prices can be had next weekend?
American Consumerist

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1721
23/11/2013 1:10 am  

Oh, sorry.
I should have been clearer. That was only intended to be a theoretical example of a great deal; it wasn't an actual advertised price.
Looking now at what I wrote, I see that it really doesn't make the point I was trying to express... Or maybe any point at all. Wow, that sale-price example is pretty confused. I blame Ray (and lack of sleep).
Let me try again:
Stephen really wants a Noguchi lamp but doesn't want to pay $150 so is looking for a cheaper alternative... But even if he finds a lamp that costs only HALF as much as the Noguchi, he'll still be spending $75. And if he's the sort of person who can realistically contemplate spending $75 for a lamp, I'm pretty sure that he can stretch to $150 without much trouble.
Moreover, I believe -- because he isn't rushing out to buy one of those $10 Ikea lamps -- that he knows he won't be happy with a substitute that's similar to the Noguchi, even if he's able to get it for only ten percent of the Noguchi's price.
So my advice is to repress the urge to compromise for the sake of cost, and instead buy exactly what he wants.
That said, I understand that the Nelson Bubble lamp is not a compromise, and in fact I personally prefer it to the rice paper lamps.


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