Design Addict


No advertising on t...

No advertising on the forum please!  

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Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 229
11/06/2010 9:06 pm  

Here is some advice for those who would be tempted to use the forum for commercial purpose:


1. Because you are loosing your time and ours. We delete all obvious advertising attempts.
2. Because all attempts of disguised advertising is immediately spoted by the users of the forum. Therefore, the sought-after effect will be reversed. You will appear as a non reliable person who tries to get round the rules. It is, of course, not good, nor for your image, nor for your business.
3. Because it's unfair towards our advertisers and partners who pay to have some visibility on DA.
4. Because visitors on this forum come here to learn or to share their knowledge. They don't come here to be harassed by advertising. Therefore, don't be surprised if you collect answers that are sometimes unpleasant.

Many dealers are regulars of the forum and contribute usefully to its good course since many years by showing generosity in the sharing of information. If they get, now and then, a small benefit from it, seems quite acceptable. But, to show up unexpectedly on the forum under false pretexts to try and profit of the great popularity of this website will never be well thought of and will be counter-productive.
We offer you on the Radar, the possibility to reach a wide public who is searching for items for sale. The Radar is an efficient and not expensive marketplace, so discuss here on the forum and promote your business on the Radar.

A last word for the regulars of the forum:
Even if we understand your will, totally legitimate, to protect the integrity of the forum, we ask you to be a little more understanding with the newcomers and to leave us the time to inform them about the functioning of DA. Design Addict is a user-friendly place, it would be a pity if potentially interesting people for all of us are put off by a somehow rough reception that gives a false image of our great community of design lovers.

Thanks to all

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 531
11/06/2010 11:06 pm  

Thanks guys, well said. Good...
Thanks guys, well said. Good to know that someone is casting an eye over this forum.
If I may give some feedback - have you thought of upgrading the forum? This one has a web 1.0 feel and perhaps not all the functionality that those of us in web 2.0 would like. Actually, even the website could do with an upgrade to 2.0!

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 3212
11/06/2010 11:33 pm  

Lit Up
at the bottom of this page there's a Paypal 'donate' button
- it might help with any future updates 🙂

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 531
11/06/2010 11:55 pm  

Oh right. Sorry I just...
Oh right. Sorry I just thought that all these nice adverts down the side paid for that.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1445
12/06/2010 12:08 am  

"Less is More" is how most of...
"Less is More" is how most of us DA'ers prefer this site to be. So far, has worked brilliantly.

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 531
12/06/2010 12:24 am  

Yeah but I would like to be...
Yeah but I would like to be able to message users on here, have a control panel, and not have it so that when I post an image you get that stupid scrolling box thing, really annoying.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 627
12/06/2010 12:30 am  

I must be in the less-is-more camp
since I have no problem with the functionality of this site.

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 3212
12/06/2010 12:33 am  

your image to fit ?
I like the forum, it does its job nicely without bells and whistles, and am very grateful to Patrick & Alix for the job they do maintaining it on what must be a limited budget.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4318
12/06/2010 12:37 am  

The interface is less than ideal
I have previously argued for vBull or other standard forum platform with better functionality.
But honestly, the number of regular users on this site doesn't really warrant the cost of or effort to maintain a full-featured forum (though I know of plenty of other such forums with only a handful of users....).
I can live with it. "Beggars can't be choosers." 🙂

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 531
12/06/2010 1:18 pm  

Well I don't know about you,...
Well I don't know about you, but I certainly don't think of myself as a beggar. I don't pay to use any discussion forums and I think that's the norm... plus WE ARE the forum. With the best will in the world, without the content that the users have posted, this place would be a web 1.0 relic! (it's kinda funny, I hardly ever go on sites which take up less than half of my screen space). As much as some of you guys like the "stripped down" version, it seems a little like putting off the inevitable. You can't stay 1.0 forever. The same way as much as we like 70s design we don't use 70s PCs. It would be interesting to know what the site owners think about all this.

Prominent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 154
12/06/2010 2:33 pm  

The forum is great as it is, as is the whole site. I dont think we should nit pick about a site where you have the potential to obtain obscure knowledge in the space of an hour or two.

Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 229
12/06/2010 3:24 pm  

Lit up: What's wrong with you?
You come on our forum to ask for help concerning the identification of a series of pieces. You receive this help, for free, and you don't find anything better to do than to spit on the face of people who make possible the existence of this site.
You must be the kind of people who, when they receive a gift, complain because they don't like the color of the wrapping.
Do a little research and you will see who we are and learn how DesignAddict was born. This forum does not bring us money and we work hard since 1997 to make it evolve with very few means. Each time we make new developments, we must sell pieces from our collection to finance them.
We have a long list of improvements that we want to make to the site. But, we cannot apply them as quickly as we would like. We must advance step by step and avoid some useless 2.0 gimmicks.
We are always eager to listen to our users and take into account their opinion and we are thus sorry not to be able to offer more to the majority of the members who come here with a positive spirit. On the other hand, comments like yours, only inspire us indifference and contempt.

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 531
12/06/2010 4:51 pm  

I thank you unreservedly for...
I thank you unreservedly for building this website, and I'm sure many people on here would be glowing with pride if they had done so too. I wouldn't bother spending time on here if I didn't think that your website is a fantastic resource. The knowledge is of course provided by the community, and thanks to everybody for that which I have received, and I've enjoyed making small contributions myself.
Now this is a very good community resource, and like all communal design, should be open and tolerant to the perhaps idiosyncratic criticisms that occur. It shouldn't cost too much money to upgrade to a 2.0 forum, and I would hope you wouldn't have to sell some of your collection for that. By calling this web 1.0 I don't think I'm spitting in your face, and I think it's vulgar that you would forward that unnecessary analogy. If I sound like the guy who complains about the wrapping of the gift, your accusation makes you sound like the long-serving political leader or institution which can't tolerate some constructive criticism.
My use of this forum also does not bring me any money, I am not a dealer but just an average Joe who doesn't like high street furniture. If this is truly a community resource I hope you can accept criticisms positively too. Again, thank you very much for the site, it's a great place and I enjoy using it.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 984
12/06/2010 10:12 pm  

I wouldn't change a thing. Nor would i feel comfortable suggesting.
I don't have time to visit much with a busy work load but
it is a pleasure to stop by once or twice a week.
We have often given large parties. When an uninvited guest, a friend
of a friend, complained that we had run out of ice, i showed him the door.
A proper response would have been to offer a trip to the corner store
for more...or even better, just go get it without boasting of the chore.
I'm active on another site daily. We rarely have complainers but it is
usually someone that has not gently sat back and searched or listened for a
while. Usually bursting in with something similar to road rage. ; )

Prominent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 154
12/06/2010 10:44 pm  

Rockland if you want to start a political party or a new country on some deserted island I will happily join. And litup you came on here saying you had stuff of your fathers you wanted advice on and in less than two weeks you have gone from clueless to the person with the most bizaaaaare comments on here. No knowledge to look at my Dieter rams lighter....fishy.

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