Nice !
Good idea, Breuer table - it's the low one that could go fine.
But honestly, I imagined something more contemporary. Something "cold" fits perfectly, because it has to remain minimalistic, almost invisible! As I said - it's a very small room - 4.5m x 4.5m, for living room and dining room together!
metal? I made this coffee table a couple of years ago. Its very heavy but looks light in the flesh, the top is a paralellegram.
Just take a few a4 sheets of paper and play around with folds, a sheet metal fabricator will be able to work from the paper 'model' quite easily. Shouldn't cost much.
Much as I hate acrylic you should be able to get something origami-like done in that too, perhaps something like the Stolle T46 Isokonplus table?
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