Design Addict


Nice looking PC har...

Nice looking PC hardware?  

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Ark of Decorati...
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01/09/2010 3:07 am  

BMW Design Works, Level 10 computer case for Thermaltake
The Deep,
Thanks for the posting of the BMW Design Works, Level 10 computer case for Thermaltake. This is too cool and worth further investigation.

Illustrious Member
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01/09/2010 4:10 am  

I actually didn't realize...
I actually didn't realize that architects mostly use PCs (AutoCad) until my architect neighbors told me the other day. I was surprised. Not because PCs cannot perform like Macs, just that every other creative field I know of has an undying preference for Macs, with little if any reasoning.

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01/09/2010 5:33 am  

PC always....
Design has so little to do with technology, I'm having a hard time understanding this "Mac is better" discussion.
As an engineer and network security specialist, I can assure you design is an after-thought. Design and the "look" of hardware is for the trickle down end-lusers who aren't enamored enough with learning how machines really work. If people have $ to spend, we will make idiot boxes for them.
Only 3 to 5% of the worldwide population uses a Mac vs. PC. That says it all. Linux based OS's are the fastest growing Operating System in history. More people are jumping on the Linux wagon then mac and microsoft combined. Mac will never surpass a PC thanks to the open-source movement.

Illustrious Member
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01/09/2010 6:36 am  

The fact that you're a twat is no surprise considering your user ID.

Illustrious Member
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01/09/2010 6:53 am  

Design has so little to do with technology
That's funny. Just tell, um, everybody that.
Much of modern design relies on the advancement of technology.

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01/09/2010 6:57 am  

I'm not going to dignify the Mac vs. PC with anymore of a response, because it's funny people take it personal that one thing is simply better than the other.
Go to ITT Tech-you'll find Macs. Go to MIT. You won't find one on the entire campus. Just sayin'. I'm sure you see where I'm going with that.
NOW, as far as design, c'mon people? PC's aren't cool or sleek? Have any of you ever been to a computer show? This is how my pc people roll.
I'll make a few posts. The first is the most basic case I like a lot more than the mac mini.

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01/09/2010 7:00 am  

The Switzerland

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01/09/2010 7:04 am  


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01/09/2010 7:07 am  

Benny Venus
Benny Venus

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01/09/2010 7:16 am  

Um, design comes waaaay after technology. Mac didn't design the case first. We programmers don't design the interface first. We always always always design function first. Function is the only thing that matters with real technology. Ever.
Programmers don't think "oooh design" when it comes to platform. We think code to make function. After alllll that hard work is done, it is passed on to a front end programmer. That person gets a graphics person....then, design comes into play.
Design of the future will depend upon our technology. Technology won't bow to design. Are you kidding? You think the top 2% of the world's intelligence cares about what something looks like vs. how it works? Pleeeze. We don't even want lunky metal. The science community is already making a hologram pc interface. Macs make up only 8% of the US computer population. 5% max of the world's population. How is it you guys with your massive 8% think you are somehow better? LOL. C'mon, be real.

Illustrious Member
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01/09/2010 8:08 am  

Stop thinking and start...
Stop thinking and start reading. I never said Mac was better. I said I did not have an educated opinion. Thanks for showing these computers. A couple of them are nice. But can they be had by the general population?
I was also not insisting that technology bows to design. Rather, I was suggesting that design in general goes hand in hand with technology. That is, if you want it to be successful. You can make it as functional as you want, but unfortunately success is directly linked to desire. If the public does not want it, it will not be successful no matter how well it works. Both design and technology bow to that.
BTW - I'm in marketing, and happen to work in advertising for the technology field. Without us your tech is a fallen tree with no one to listen.
Perhaps the techies can stop making desperate jabs at Mac and learn something about advertising and product design. SImple is better. It appeals to more people. Tried and true.

Illustrious Member
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01/09/2010 8:12 am  

This is a discussion about personal computers. And if we're dealing with that in its true application, the reality is 90% of the people out there don't give a damn about or for that matter even understand the supposed functionality you're speaking of. Macs are on the up again. That much is obvious. More software producers are offering compatible versions. And if functionality continues to catch up with form for Apple as it has, the commercial market will swing as well. But regardless, the point is PCs are ugly and their layouts are cagy and annoying as hell to operate. Never mind the security factor. And that's all down to design, not technology.
Go watch another episode of Star Trek.

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01/09/2010 8:40 am  

Marketing means jack
My comment was a general thread comment. Some moron said there were as many Macs being used as PCs when it's not even a remote comparison. Are you seriously telling me that the upcoming generation cares more about marketing then open-source freeware? That our evolution in technology somehow won't move forward w/out it looking great? That's pretty silly. Considering techology of the future isn't something you can see/feel/touch. It's NOT design! Design is at the flat-end bottom of the spectrum. Macs are great for internet and anything super basic. That is what they are...basic machines for basic technology understanding. I absolutely agree that almost all my peers (33yrs old+) who haven't had computers since the first iterations, care about nothing other than marketing. Mac has a new commercial on tv, they drone themselves to the local mall, wait around for their specially trained mac punk to tell them what will make them even artsier and cooler and they shell out disposable income. Simple, easy and dumb. It's not getting anyone anywhere except sales to a company with few choices in software comparatively, and a horrible record in basic human and worker rights. Market that!
Anything that makes a difference in this world is made on a platform NOT by Apple. Macs are what you use to view the world other technologies are making.
Anyone can get any of the sleek pcs I listed, but I think if the point is you only want to use things that look good.....well.....waste money all you want. I'd much rather spend my cash on an amazing handmade mid-century modern desk to house the machine. Who cares about a mass produced piece of metal sitting on it?

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01/09/2010 8:49 am  

oh geez
Lunchbox, you really don't have a clue. Macs have plenty of security issues, and it actually has some of the worst. It's so easy to hijack it's built in camera, and there is zero way to know someone is watching you. At least with a PC all processes aren't hidden, and there's a way to see everything happening if you care to use your brain. It's not more secure, because it's BETTER. It's more secure, because so few people use it. I don't know how to say it again, just because it's up from 5% to 8% use over the past decade doesn't mean it's good or useful, only pretty. They only look like they are making great sales, because a new PC costs ONE-FOURTH of a mac. Waaay more PCs are sold.

Illustrious Member
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01/09/2010 9:08 am  

As I said, 90% of the population(those that aren't computer guy mongs like you) don't give a damn about any of your talking points. And on this forum, that percentage suffers even further.
So why don't you just take your blather to a tech forum, eh?
P.S. What's your World of Warcraft username?
P.S. Which generation of Star Trek was the most epic?
P.S. Which Best Buy employs you as a Geek Squad member?

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