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Nelson eye clock 1

Nelson eye clock 1  

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Illustrious Member
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15/12/2007 12:34 am  

i guess we can not ...
i guess we can not please every one
Schiffer says no go on Nelson book with them as a publisher
enclosed is the letter
After a thorough review of your proposal for a new book on Howard Miller/George Nelson clocks, we have decided, with regret, not to proceed to the next step with it.
Our decision does not represent a judgment of the project, nor is it an estimate of the contribution it would make to the field. It is simply a business decision based on our understanding of the market and our ability to sell enough copies to make this book a sound investment.
If you see further markets we might tap, or are acquainted with businesses or organizations that might want to support the project financially, we would be pleased to review this idea again.
In closing, we remind you, as we often remind ourselves, that no one has yet perfected the art of choosing which projects will be most successful. We hope you find a good match for your idea and can prove in the future how very shortsighted we were in not acting favorably upon your proposal. We appreciate your interest in us and wish you success in the future.
Please keep us in mind for future ideas.
Most Sincerely,
Karen Choppa
Schiffer Publishing Ltd.

Illustrious Member
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15/12/2007 2:24 am  

I just saw this...
I just saw this on ebay. Maybe you've already seen it?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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15/12/2007 6:55 am  

Yes, I saw and Schiffer blows off another chance
Yes, it's a beautiful Bitossi item, but a bit expensive for me.
Meanwhile, LRF gets the "big go-by" from Schiffer.
What could be more profitable than a book sorting out the clock mess?
Guess they don't think much of the idea.

Illustrious Member
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15/12/2007 9:17 am  

Nelson Eye clock
I went to All World Furniture to buy a Star clock replica and they had just sold their last one, so I came home with the Eye clock($75) instead. After really getting to play with it, I can only say how impressed I am with the construction. They also had a Saarinen Rosewood side table($150), Saarinen tulip chair, and Coconut chair that looked better than any other replica I have seen, I wanted them both(Sadly, no room). La Chaise, Eames rocker & Eiffel base chairs, Saarinen tulip tables(Dining & side), and more were also nicely made. The owner does a nice job at choosing what to buy and import.

Illustrious Member
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15/12/2007 5:35 pm  

All World this was a good find for us all and thanks a lot James, I think everyone who reads this forum must of gotten at least 1 of these clocks
I know I did and I understand that they ordered a lot more I bet they were pleased with your post,
I have not seen the Alphaville line in a long time I have several friends that have stores that carry there merchandise and they say they keep getting it better and better so that is great to hear,
I guess they will be the last man standing in the reproduction business as some of the earlier fakes by cheap Chinese companies cured many from wanting any thing,
I think it is interesting that you saw a saarine table cause his hard wood good stuff for some reason was never reproduced very much, other than the tulip tables and chairs and end tables as everyone got in to that act not even the womb chair or Barry's beloved Kangaroo chair I have seen out in the market by any reproduction companies (Moderica was the only one to reissue the kangaroo ) could have been the public was not that well educated as Eames and Mies, and several others.
I guess as MCM is here to stay we will see other items reproduced by designers, that we thought that we would never see,
I know some on this forum will have a problem with that, and others will be delighted,
My copy of Metropolitan magazine for January arrived , of course it was somewhat of a sleep aid, but it seemed they were putting homes that were not that cool looking in the magazine with furniture from the mid century , by designers that I had never heard of, This
could be a trend they are trying to go with, as every knows and loves the classics , just my own observation,

Illustrious Member
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17/12/2007 6:10 am  

Bitossi Meridian
Just won this on eBay for $277.00
Since I already collect both Nelson and Botossi, it's cool to find this.
The pix are awfully small, but that's how I got 'em

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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17/12/2007 6:15 am  

Congrats Barry!
I considered a bid, but figured I'd get outbidded anyway. Glad you got it! Pricewise, a good deal.
Saw your Ironware (El Verde) dinning set at a store the otherday...was a little werid seeing it.

Illustrious Member
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17/12/2007 6:52 am  

Thanks Woof
Saw your Ironware (El Verde) dinning set at a store the otherday...was a little werid seeing it.
That El Verde Ironware was marketed at Grocery Stores back in the late 1960's and early 1970' a new piece each week, etc.
The cool thing is I got a complete set at one time for less than $75.00, but it's dishwasher safe!
Doesn't chip too easy, either.
It's another case of something nice falling into my lap.
As far as the Nelson clock, I collect the blue Bitossi, so it'll be nice in the living room.
I'm still planning on getting 2 or 3 clocks from All American next month!

Illustrious Member
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17/12/2007 7:06 am  

congrats barry
I crappe...
congrats barry
I crapped out at 150.00 since i own so many and have a $1200.00 clean up bill in my yard from the ice storm. what a fun way to spend money with broken tree limbs to have chopped and cleaned up, ( some people have to spend as much as 5 grand to get their yards cleaned up with all the trees) awful!!
i did not own that clock and it looks like a good price as i have seen it go for as much as 450.00 this summer,
There was one just like it last week that did not draw a bid for 295.00
i emailed the gal and she said she would take 275.00
DAMN fricken storm I could have had a great christmas present to my self.

Illustrious Member
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18/12/2007 7:59 pm  

these were all the hands ...
these were all the hands that nelson used on lots of the different clocks they made , any one seen this or no how to get a hold of this catalogue
I saw this one on ebay
I need several sets of hands for clocks that i have bought over the years with no hands and just junk parts so this would be a big help.
Can you believe this guy called picked4you emailed me and wanted to
make me a copy of this catalogue about 5 pages for 50 bucks , it that a rip? here is the number on ebay 130184192348
If any one asked me to make them a copy or send them a sample of fabric or anything i would gladly do it , now if it was 100 pages i could see helping defray the cost of printing.
but to ask 50 bucks just cause i asked for a copy is ridiculous now he emails me back and says he is going to photocopy it and put it on ebay , what do you all think am i being a little ridiculous or is he just greedy jerk ,

Illustrious Member
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19/12/2007 1:03 am  

check this out it says N...
check this out it says Nelson was responsible for around 150 different style of clocks and here are just a few,
some as Joel had posted but the prices from
1964 14.95 to 25.00 you sorta have to think twice for buying a broken one on ebay for 250.00

Illustrious Member
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20/12/2007 5:00 am  

barry any idea how i can get a set of hands like your clock i have the same blueish Botossi, but i need hands, do you know any clock people in your town that could make me a set,?

Illustrious Member
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20/12/2007 6:16 am  

gosh, I sure don't....
LRF; finding missing hands is a sonob*'d have to find a broken clock with its hands in good condition, and that's not easy.
If you have the same hands on another clock, you might be able to get a metalworks guy in Tulsa to cut the hands out for you and you can paint them white.

Illustrious Member
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20/12/2007 7:39 pm  

i don't have any of those...
i don't have any of those hands as i can draw them
if i need to,

Illustrious Member
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21/12/2007 12:16 am  

You could try to fabricate them out of the thin craft wood that you can buy at Michaels(or other craft stores). They will look good for temporary and could even be used as a template for metal ones. A Dremel tool would be the key to this.

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