Could you please help me for identifie a Massive lamp produced in Belgium (Date of production, any designer and sources)
Thanks for all reply messages
Thanks for posting the lamp, have never seen anything like it, though it does look to be part of the rubics cube or tesseract influenced formal language of the 80's, it refreshing anyway, any other examples of this kind of design?
I read a book on Fermats last theorem a while ago and while much of the mathematics was beyond me the attempt at least when designers base work on ideas outside of the craft tradition can be really exciting, thats just another way of saying I'm really bored with the sobriety of Danish modern, it feels so staid, a year ago I thought Sotsass et al was just awful but now not so sure...
@tom ado 😉 I love your pseudo..
I'm not sure to understand all your post (the sixpence Arthur part) but thanks for your information... Have you got more information about this radio who use the same typologie about m'y lampe ( orange buton, articulation...). Maybe a web site ?
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