Design Addict


Need help with a ca...

Need help with a catchy name. Any ideas are appreciated!!  


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Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 2
26/06/2016 11:54 pm  

Hello! I have been struggling to come up with a catchy name for the business I am starting. I've been rambling off names for weeks and nothing seems to fit. I was looking for some ideas and thought no better place than here! A little bit of info to help: I am a full-time working mother of two young girls. I work as a counselor and I love my job but it's been weighing on me lately trying to juggle that and my home life. I feel I have one foot in at work and one foot in at home. While on lunch during a very trying day at work, I heard on the radio someone say, "Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life." I finally knew what I had to do. I decided I was going to resign from my job, stay at home with my girls, and do what brings me so much joy and happiness - paint. I paint for family members or for people who specifically ask me for something but I just dont have the time right now. Before I start going to craft shows and putting my name out there, I want a catchy name. Here's where you come in to help 🙂 Names I have been tossing around are: New Day Painting & Designs, A Different Day Design, New Life Paintings....I also thought about incorporating my girls' names, which are Willow and Emersyn (Emmy). Thank you so much for you ideas! I truly appreciate it 🙂

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1184
27/06/2016 1:19 am  

Three suggestions that come to mind:
(in all good humor)
(edited by DA - suggestions removed)

New Member
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 2
27/06/2016 6:34 am  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1184
29/06/2016 10:51 pm  

Wow, indeed
censorship stops discussion in its tracks
over and out

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 4586
30/06/2016 12:05 am  

Aunt Mark
ps. Hi.


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