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08/08/2024 12:12 pm  

Hello Raijin

I guess newcomers read through other replies so information can be helpful to those out there with questions already covered by some answers. If your reply is because you want old replies removed for some reason you should be able to approach the people that run the blog.


Illustrious Member Moderator
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08/08/2024 2:15 pm  

@derrida Sometimes new members assume that other members who posted questions years ago are still active in this forum and are still interested in an answer. This is almost never the case. That's what @raijin was pointing out.  

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

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09/08/2024 9:45 am  

@herringbone @raijin It didn''t read like that, it read as being impolite suggesting a person might be a robot when I have another entry asking about id on a chair. Why anyone would think a robot wants to ask about a chair or write text in question? I checked with others and they all say it does sound dodgy. I think some coming onto the site will have the same problems others members mentioned years ago and can find useful answers even years old so I don't agree that there is no worth in replying to old posts. It's odd that you don't agree. 

Illustrious Member Moderator
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09/08/2024 1:58 pm  

@derrida Sorry, I don't think anyone meant to offend you. I can only give you my point of view. My problem as a moderator is that this forum is full of bots that either spout adverts, make pointless posts or disguise themselves as users and respond randomly to posts. In order to keep the forum as attractive as possible, I endeavour to weed out these bots and keep interpersonal communication as standard. What bots often do: They comment on threads that are ten or fifteen years old, but usually only with a one-liner like: "That's very interesting, tell me more" or something similar. Human users, on the other hand, often preface such responses with: "I know I'm a few years too late, but I can still contribute something." I'm not saying that should be the rule. It's just the way many people do it. With that in mind, your post was a bit misleading because you directly addressed Robert, a user who was last active here many years ago. That wasn't wrong, the information you provided is interesting and you've certainly done future readers a service. Hopefully the issue is now closed and you won't hold it against us. However, written communication can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, and that was simply the case here. 

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

Illustrious Member
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09/08/2024 2:42 pm  


FWIW, I suspected a bot, too.

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