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Need DIY help with Eames 670 lounge chair  


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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2
24/11/2008 7:36 pm  

i have a 10 year old hermann miller eames 670 lounge chair. the glue on one of the brackets that attaches the lower back to the under side veneer has failed and needs to be replaced. i have removed the arm and examined the veneer and mount. both appear to be in excellent shape and the only issue seems to be the glue.

how can i remove the remaining glue from the mounting area and what glue should i use to repair my lounge chair? do i need to worry about the other arm now?

thanks for any help!

Fungus Mungus (USA)
Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 232
25/11/2008 2:40 am  

My chair is from the late...
My chair is from the late 50s and the shock mounts never gave, but they started creaking suspiciously after one of my heavier friends sat and rocked back and forth in the chair. I decided to have Herman Miller replace them because I couldn't stand the thought of wondering if my repair was going to give every time I sat in that chair. Now I don't have to worry about it...for another 20 years or so. 🙂
Unless you're a cracker-jack DIYer, I'd consider paying to have BOTH shock mounts (the one that's intact too) replaced professionally. Herman Miller did both of mine for about $350. Of course, I had to pay for shipping, but for a $3000+ chair, it was worth it for the peace of mind.
You were lucky...not all failed shock mounts result in a clean separation...they often take a chunk of the veneer with it...and *that* gets expensive if that happens.


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