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Name that chair!  


James Collins
Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 547
20/04/2007 5:26 am  

Anyone recognize this chair in a TV commerical for Requip?

(Thank god! Finally a drug for that agonizing leg twitch!)

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 3499
20/04/2007 8:24 am  

Looks like Ekhornes ...
Looks like Ekhornes ...

Big Television Man
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21/04/2007 1:54 am  

Name that Chair!
Okay! How about "Fred", just kidding!

James Collins
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 547
21/04/2007 3:20 am  

better photo from the commercial
Is it new? Is it old? It's the best looking recliner I've seen, not your fathers' lazy-boy:

James Collins
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Posts: 547
21/04/2007 5:24 am  

It has similarities at least in appearance to the mechanisms and materials of the Ekhorne recliners but nothing like it in their current online catalog at least for the US market. In that section all their recliners look pretty much like this:

Illustrious Member
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21/04/2007 9:03 am  

The response of the pharma....
company that made the commercial is:
The chair in that commercial is a “concept” chair - it was created/built for the commercial. We appreciate the interest in the ad and the recliner, however, we do not know of anywhere that someone could currently buy that chair or one like it.
We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. If you have further questions concerning GlaxoSmithKline or our products, please contact our Customer Response Center at 1-888-825-5249 during our normal business hours, Monday through Friday 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. (Eastern Time).
Customer Response Representative
Customer Response Center

New Member
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15/01/2012 8:36 am  

My Chair! Finally! Alas...
After holding onto the page of the Requip magazine ad for years, searching in vain for this chair, I finally had the brainstorm to Google "Requip"+"chair". Imagine my surprise to discover it to be a one-of-a-kind concept chair fabricated solely for the ad campaign. My congratulations to the art-director/property-master for their good taste, and to GlaxoSmithKline for answering our questions. Now why hasn't a furniture company capitalized on the design and offered one for sale!? Seems to me like they're missing a great opportunity.
A Hollywood Cameraman

Illustrious Member
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15/01/2012 8:58 am  

I think I want to convert
to dopamine agonism.

Pegboard Modern
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17/01/2012 9:06 am  

Looks like Borsani
I'm guessing they used a Borsani P40 chair, photoshop, and some artistic license (or perhaps pharmaceuticals) as inspiration to create the chair.


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