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Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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20/02/2010 2:53 am  

Here's something I don't see everyday, firearms and designer furniture.

Illustrious Member
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21/02/2010 10:04 am  

I had seen that Ebay listing...
I had seen that Ebay listing and noticed the gun the other day, and knowing that Ebay has a strict ban on the sale of most firearm related items, I wondered if they might actually even ban showing one in a photo in an Ebay listing. Turns out, they do:
"Not Allowed: Pictures of any firearms in a listing, even if the firearm is just part of the picture"

Prominent Member
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21/02/2010 12:32 pm  

Very normal
I often sit back (carefully) in my Eames lounger put my feet up on my Kofod larsen coffee table and polish my uzi. Its one of the only pleasure a man has these days.

Sound & Design
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Posts: 1445
21/02/2010 8:49 pm  

tchp... didn't know about...
tchp... didn't know about the eBay policy.
What compelled me to post, was not only the eye raising effects of seeing a gun in the wide open, but the contrast between high and gruff design. High design presents itself as isolated and sheltered while gruff is ...well gruff. Together they create an unusual visual tension.
Bent, Uzi's are a design classic. Consider going antique...a Musketoon will certainly elicit ooohhh's and ahhhh's, and are enjoyably satisfying to handle.

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21/02/2010 9:50 pm  

Starck's 2¢...


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