Design Addict


My addiction  

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Estimable Member
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23/03/2008 2:53 am  

Evening all (or morning)

I think i may have a problem, that being, instead of spending my Saturday night drinking in a bar/club with my peers. here I am writing this and browsing ebay for pieces to add to my collection - yellow being the flavour of the month, in my dressing gown and sipping a rum and coke - bascially my idea of a perfect night - I'm 24 if this helps!

Do you ever question yourself and think, Jesus you need to get out more? Do you worry that you're becoming more and more antisocial becasue of your Hobby/addiction? Someone mentioned in an earlier thread about this being a form of OCD - an interesting point i think which my wife pointed out a week or so ago and it got me thinking.

your views?

Illustrious Member
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23/03/2008 3:54 am  

My collecting
mid-century modern furnishings, as well as my record collection only enhances my life and indirectly puts me in touch with nice people (like a lot of you'all) that I wouldn't converse with otherwise.
Of course, being middle aged (56) and single doesn't hurt, either!

Estimable Member
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Posts: 87
23/03/2008 5:02 am  

im 31 and im a...
im 31 and im a midcenturaholic, my wife thinks i have OCD which im beginning to think i do to now, and the worst part is she doesnt like any of it and does not care if the house is clean and i try to make it look like a magazine picture, (probably a little overboard on my part) but like i said im addicted and she H A T E S it!

Illustrious Member
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23/03/2008 5:45 am  

Maybe I'm a bit lonely
but there's no one telling me they don't like the stuff i put in my house.
Lucky me? Maybe.

Illustrious Member
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23/03/2008 6:51 am  

I relate to all of you ...
I relate to all of you nice folks, OCD yes, love to buy cool stuff, and like the hunt,
i am 57 married, and love to spend time on DA, all kinds of people, here, all walks of life, nice mix,

Illustrious Member
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23/03/2008 9:31 am  

31 here
I do the same thing, I search Ebay everyday with the same list keywords, sometimes Craigs list too. I have found lots of good stuff and things I didn't even know I wanted(is that bad?). For almost the last two weeks I went cold turkey and haven't used Either Ebay or Craigs list, I needed some time to enjoy what I have before getting more(I'm telling myself this hourly). I try to do all my computer stuff while my Wife is busy, now all I look at is this forum and road bicycling stuff(my other obsession). Careful with the rum, you may end up with a really ugly piece of furniture.

Famed Member
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23/03/2008 5:39 pm  

I am 32 years old, single, no kids (I do have a cat though...does that count). I do check ebay, DA, sometimes Craig's list a few times a day. When I'm walking by the computer, I'll do a quick search, but I don't spend all day on the computer or anything. I'd much rather shop in an actual store though. A new mid-century modern shop just opened up about a mile down the road. I spent several hours over the weekend in there looking around and talking to the owner. I told her about all the websites to visit for good deals on fabric, advice, etc. She actually wants me to be her internet person and she'll give me deals on her furniture. Now that's the life, getting better prices on pieces for hanging out on the 'net.
I also do other things with my time. I'm a chemist. I also play the guitar. I read constantly. Go out with friends and family. Being a girl, I like to shop for stuff besides furniture like clothes and shoes. I also am a huge fan of cult TV shows, cult movies, and bad-B horror films...I have a huge collection. The best cult film ever is Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. My brother often drags me to sporting events...I've seen the UK Wildcats play a few times this years. Not a huge fan or anything, but I always enjoy a good game. We also go to watch the Single-
A baseball team, Lexington Legends, over the summer...and the indoor football team The Lexington Horsemen. Not a gung-ho fan of either team either, but the games are fun to go to.
My family likes all my new furniture...especially my brother-in-law and my cat. My brother also likes my furniture collecting because he gets first dibs on my old furniture...some of it is pretty nice, just not mid-century modern. I actually see my family quite a bit since my sister, brother-in-law, niece, and nephew only live about three blocks away. And my brother lives only a few miles away also.

Illustrious Member
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23/03/2008 5:41 pm  

james you could be ...
james you could be addicted to worst things,

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
23/03/2008 5:50 pm  

cludburst you sound like ...
cludburst you sound like a little honey and seem like you got it all together. maybe you will find the perfect guy* that likes MCM then you will be the perfect couple.
*substitute gal for guy if appropriate

Estimable Member
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23/03/2008 7:09 pm  

can someone please enlighten...
can someone please enlighten me as to what 'Craigs list' is?

Illustrious Member
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23/03/2008 7:17 pm  

Craig's list is a
do-it-yourself, unregulated forum for people to connect up locally with people who are selling or buying something.
It runs the gambit (also sex and meeting personals too), but I have found that locally here in Minneapolis-St. Paul, there's not much good mid century modern being sold, so it's not of great interest to me.

Illustrious Member
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23/03/2008 9:29 pm  

Craig's list is great if...
Craig's list is great if you live in big cities, NYC San Fransciso etc but for us little towner's nothing good for us,

Famed Member
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23/03/2008 10:06 pm  

Craig's list is great...
though is can be kinda time-consuming checking through all the items on it. I only use it occassionally because it's more time-consuming then ebay, IMHO. And there is no gaurantee that you will get the item. You can call and say that you want to come and get an item, and when you get there they might have sold it to someone else. The key is not to get too excited when you see something that you think might be a great find. Alot of people on Craig's List don't know what they are selling...don't do any research as to an item's value. If you act too excited, you'll clue them in that maybe they have something of value so they'll often decide to sell for more or list it on ebay. Keep a cool head when dealing with Craig's List so you don't clue in the seller, and also, keep a cool head if you don't get the item...if they told you they'd sell it to you and then sold it to someone else. They are under no obligation to sell it to you, and it won't help anything if you get mad at them. The item is already gone.
And I have found a couple items here and there on Craig's List. Nothing from Lexington, but I have found something in Louisville and Cincinnati which aren't that far of a drive. But you will find alot more buys in larger cities.

Famed Member
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23/03/2008 10:12 pm  

yes, I'm a girl as evidenced by my talking about liking to shop for clothes and shoes 😉 I spent hours in the mall last weekend looking for the perfect dress...never found it sadly. So many ugly dresses out right now *sigh*
And my family is cool with my mid-century modern obsession. They seem to be more worried about my addiction to cult TV shows and cult horror films. I don't understand how people can't get the humor out of movies like Attack of The Killer Tomatoes and Killer Klowns From Outer Space. I guess I have an odd sense of humor.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2967
24/03/2008 6:25 am  

cloudburst I know you are ...
cloudburst I know you are a girl you told me several months ago.
i just said you sound like a honey of a gal that likes mid century modern, and spooky movies, sounds great
even to this 57 year old man.
We know guys like MCM so all you need to do is find the right one and you will be a power couple,as they say,
a match made in heaven. (or mcm heaven)
If guy is not appropriate for you, please feel free to substitute gal. your choice,

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