I've been unable to identify the designer of this chair, which was produced by Selig. Does anyone recognize the design?
http://www.flickr.com/photos/bananaleaf/sets/72157624481319432/ <img class="wpforo-default
The Selig Thread
Thanks, Whitespike. It looks even better with the matching ottoman. But, like I think you feel about your DCM, it's prettier than comfortable. It's no womb chair.
Woody, I discovered the Selig thread where you answered a similar question. Like the Z chair, it does seem likely that the designer was Kofod-Larsen.
Oh no, Brent, I love the...
Oh no, Brent, I love the comfort of a DCM. It gets no better for an unupholstered dining chair.
I dunno about Kofod for this one. Maybe, but he seems to be the catch-all for attribution for Selig products. I have three Kofod chairs (two dining height and one lounge height) and they are amazingly comfortable for their small stature.
These are like mine...
z chair
The back legs of my chair do look similar to the Z chair, which is attributed to Poul Jensen.
I wonder why I can find nothing about Poul Jensen other than people saying this or that chair was designed by him? Where is his picture or a quick bio on Wikipedia? I'm a Poul Jensen agnostic. Like Thomas, I need some corporeal evidence before I can believe.
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