Design Addict


My Architect  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
22/09/2008 9:08 pm  

I just watched My Architect this weekend. It's a documentary by Louis Kahn's son. It was a fun watch.

Some of Kahn's buildings give me the same ethereal feeling as Gehry's work did in Sketches. Although, there were a few buildings I thought were plain ugly.

I haven't gotten into his work previously, because I have always preferred light looking architecture .... Koenig, Neutra et al. It's for this very reason I like his work, however ... finding I like one extreme or the other. The heaviness of his materials and forms seem very old world and historical while the forms themselves are very fresh and modern. It's a fun mix of ideas. I like his honest use of materials ... leaving cracks in the formed concrete.

He was a peculiar man.


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