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Illustrious Member
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29/01/2008 4:46 pm  

Cloudburst; I never
had any problem paying with PayPal, despite all of the attitudes towards their fees. When I pay, it takes whatever money I might have in the PayPal account (if I sold something) and then pulls the difference right out of my bank account. Totally safe and secure.
PayPal was such a good service that eBay bought them awhile back.
I wouldn't worry about them....although if you are nervous about PayPal, here's a suggestion; open up a second checking account at your bank and connect up PayPal with that second account. You can then transfer money from your primary account into your second account to cover any PayPal purchases, if for some reason, you're nervous about connecting up your primary account with PayPal.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
29/01/2008 5:24 pm  

barry i dont think she is...
barry i dont think she is worried about paypal
it is the seller only wants a cashiers check
and for that kinda money i think i would be a little concerned also with t he greedy mother %^&*()
I am beginning to hate these jerks. that are so greedy
with there ebay business, that they have to inconvence
everyone , i just had to go get a cashiers check for 65 so if it gets lost no big deal but 600 bucks so
some jerk does not have to pay pal fees is really crummy and circumvents the pay pal policy,
I wish people would avoid these creeps all together

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
29/01/2008 6:28 pm  

Yea, I agree....
but there's so few places to find these clocks that the sellers got us by the ole short-hairs.
Tri-state Antiques have had some for sale, but their prices are high and gosh only knows how much they charge for shipping.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
29/01/2008 6:43 pm  

yes we should kiss Jacqueline nelsons ass every day for her being so wonderful and gracious in allowing us to fork our money over so we could have a reproduction of her late husbands clocks that he did not even design, good g-d something is the matter with this
one . I guess we should light candles, and say prayers for the Eames, cause we also get to buy there
stuff also, I hear g-d status here?????

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 227
29/01/2008 10:10 pm  

If I had to guess I would...
If I had to guess I would say that Mrs. Nelson is not receiving any compensation for the re-issues. I have talked to her personally and she is very quick to give credit to the designers that worked in the Nelson office for their contributions. I can't imagine that she would want/need anything from the new productions. The Nelson Office archives where donated to Vitra and Syracuse University after George Nelson died. If she was after the almighty dollar she probably could have sold the original prints, letters, and artifacts for quite a tidy sum.
Even if she did accept a percentage would that be so bad? Alot of negativity/bad manners on this board lately.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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29/01/2008 10:58 pm  

1/2 cent
Agreed, BUT stirring a little drama that encourages contributions to this forum isn't such a bad thing to me. Even if tastelessly done. It can be a bit listless and passive around here.

Illustrious Member
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29/01/2008 11:24 pm  

Clocks & Norm
Anyone know if vitra had to get the OK from Howard Miller to make the clocks? Norm, where did you get to meet Jacqueline Nelson?

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 227
29/01/2008 11:46 pm  

We have never met face to...
We have never met face to face. I called her a few years back out of the blue and we had a nice long talk. She had every reason not to give me the time of day but she was very gracious. We traded a couple of letters but fell out of touch.
I have no knowledge one way or another regarding the Nelson clock re-issues and who gave rights to whom, wish I could shed some light on the mystery.

Illustrious Member
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30/01/2008 1:25 am  

My best guess is that once the arrangement between Howard Miller and George Nelson Associates ended - and it ended DURING Nelson's lifetime - Howard Miller lost all rights to produce Nelson product without some sort of new contract.
What probably explains why their ball clock is "adapted" from the original and is not listed as being an exact reproduction.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
30/01/2008 2:37 am  

If I had to guess I would say...
If I had to guess I would say that Mrs. Nelson is not receiving any compensation for the re-issues.
why would she not???

Noble Member
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Posts: 227
30/01/2008 1:13 pm  

Did you read my entire post?...
Did you read my entire post? It was a guess, just a feeling, like maybe she didn't really need any more money. Foreign concept, I know. Not everyone on this earth is driven entirely by green.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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30/01/2008 8:51 pm  

Not everyone on this earth...
Not everyone on this earth is driven entirely by green.
....really?, interesting

Illustrious Member
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30/01/2008 9:56 pm  

Funny Concept
Thank you Norm! finally, someone who agrees that money isnt the most important thing in the world!
When I got my first Eames LCW I had just gotten out of college. I had a job freelancing artwork and working a crappy $9/hr retail job. I ate Macaroni and Cheese almost every night of the week. At the time an Eames LCW cost $550 - which was a full months rent. Or a Student Loan payment. I hemmed and hawed about it for almost 2 months before deciding it was something I really wanted to have. I slapped down the money I had saved up and as soon as I got the chair I forgot all the worry, all the pain in the ass. The chair has proven infinitely more pleasing than sitting on the cash would have been.
It seems like a funny concept to some people, but really money is just money...sometimes you've got it, sometimes you dont. If you put in a little hard work you can always get more. Plain and simple.

Active Member
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Posts: 12
03/02/2008 5:56 pm  

I've seen a clock very...
I've seen a clock very similar to the first at a Wright auction. For some reason the hands look off on this one, though.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
03/02/2008 6:24 pm  

that clock you got for $56.00 is the real deal! One of the later, probably Arthur Ubanoff (spelt right?) clocks from the later Nelson Associates grouping.

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