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Moller 71 Chairs  


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23/08/2012 7:03 am  

I just acquired 6 Moller 71 side chairs and they stink like cigarettes!
I didn't realize how bad the smelled until they rode home
with me in the car.
Is it possible to clean the paper corded seats without ruining them? Or could I just let them sit outside on the covered porch to air out for a long, long time?
thanks so much!

Noble Member
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23/08/2012 7:09 am  


Noble Member
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23/08/2012 7:24 am  

I have successfully removed...
I have successfully removed cigarette odor from a solid teak end table using white vinegar.
Simply wipe on with a clean rag and allow to dry between applications, no rubbing is needed.
In my case, at least half a dozen applications were required over the course of a week. At first I thought I was taking off some sort of finish, as the cloth was very dirty orange. It was of course nicotene...:-)
I do not know however, if vinegar can be used on the cording. An inconspicuous test spot on the wood and the cording would be prudent before you go hell for leather with any method.
Time of course, will also dissipate the smoke odor, but it could take awhile.
added: in my experience, using white vinegar did not affect the finish of the wood. I did allow it to completely evaporate for a few days before I applied oil.

Illustrious Member
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23/08/2012 7:50 am  


Illustrious Member
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23/08/2012 7:57 am  

You could try soap flakes
dissolved in water. That's what the Danes use on paper cord, according to some sources.
This is from a site that LuciferSum recommended a couple of years ago:
Maintaining leather and woven cord seats
Ingredients: 2 tbsp Soap Flakes, 1 quart boiled water
Instructions: Dissolve the Soap Flakes into the water.
Usage: Wash the surface gently using a soft cloth or sponge wrung out in the solution when water is warm. Without further washing, allow the furniture to dry at room temperature so the soap solution is absorbed into the leather or papercord. It is important that leather and papercord are not drenched in the solution and that surfaces are moistened evenly to avoid staining as the surface dries. Repeat the process if the leather is badly soiled.
The brand they are showing is hard to get but you can do the same thing by just shaving a bar of Ivory bath soap with a cheese grater.
I haven't tried this yet myself but I intend to soon.

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24/08/2012 12:39 am  

Paper Cord Seats on Moller 71s
thanks to all of you who took the time to reply to this request for info.
I will try the cleaning method "Spanky" recommemded with the soap flake solution before re-weaving and will let you all know how they turn out.
The problem is two pronged--one is that the seats smell like cigs and they also have some spotting on them that needs to be addressed.
thanks again!

Tom Ado
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24/08/2012 3:13 pm  



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