Design Addict


Modern / midcentury...

Modern / midcentury- modern Art work?  


Linda McAndrew
Reputable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 112
29/09/2012 9:19 am  

Help! I'm needing art work for my house and hoping someone here could share resources for nice modern and midcentury modern painted canvas's and photography too??? Quality prints too.
I currently have a Peter Max Embellished lithograph which cost thousands, and a few other artists works... Lithograph artists/ photographers, but now I'm wanting less expensive art but it's hard to find. Suggestions welcome.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1155
29/09/2012 7:23 pm  

a suggestion
For lower cost you may consider posters signed by the artist. I have attached two by Razzia (Louis Vuitton is a major client and one Mark's favorite items) and one by Annie Leibovitz of David Byrne. The choice of artist and subject matter for under $200.00 is endless.
I also like Spanky's use of original comic art. This is inexpensive (his was free from a very talented brother - see thread: personal treasures @home) and once again a large selection is available.


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