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Modern Love  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 902
11/09/2008 8:03 am  

I have been wanting to post this for a while now. Assuming her interview at the American consulate in Toyko goes well, I am looking forward to my fiancee's return so that we can be together again and be married. She has been gone for the last two years out of seven that we have been a couple, But that's another story. She is a huge Saarinen fan, and about 4 years ago she pointed to one of her tulip chairs, held out her hand, wiggled her fingers and said if I could put one of those chairs on her hand, she would marry me. It was a good joke. When I went to Osaka in January to meet her family (gulp!), I dropped to one knee and gave her this ring. In the middle of the busy Osaka airport no less! I sculpted the hard wax myself (a week of evenings cursing and muttering). I have no skills for this small work so go easy on me for its crudeness. It is cast sterling with an 18k gold cushion. A friend did the post, cushion and band. I would Do the stem differently (like the chair stem) and have a more organic band,but I could only ask this friend for so much. I still laugh when I look at the pic. Modern love indeed.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 558
11/09/2008 8:08 am  

I love the ring, and your fiance is surely a lucky woman to have someone who cares so much and is so creative.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 902
11/09/2008 9:01 am  

I assure you, I am the one....
I assure you, I am the lucky one. thanks

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1445
11/09/2008 9:03 am! ...! Congratulations...that's some serious dedication.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
11/09/2008 2:34 pm  

Great story,hope it has a...
Great story,hope it has a very happy ending.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 659
11/09/2008 5:41 pm  

Double congratulations
Very nice, and nice to know who it was developing.
ps.: the stem is OK as it is to me, better with that synthesis.
pss: I think will have and expert in Japanese design then?

kdc (USA)
Prominent Member
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Posts: 184
11/09/2008 6:00 pm  

beautiful story
good going, g.a.!
long life, happiness and lovely chairs to you both!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 902
11/09/2008 7:57 pm  

I managed to teach myself how to get the pic down to a reasonable size. Victory is mine!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 902
11/09/2008 8:01 pm  

I almost forgot
To all, Keep your fingers crossed that she passes her interview at the consulate, and gets her marriage visa. The suspense is making my stomach hurt.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1879
11/09/2008 9:57 pm  

What a nice story and a...
What a nice story and a great ring. Perhaps you might even have a nice little business idea there. You could do a line of rings, necklaces, cufflinks, etc. with iconic chairs. Saarinen, Eames, Bertoia, Aalto, etc.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
11/09/2008 10:36 pm  

whats your photo shrinking...
whats your photo shrinking secret ?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 902
11/09/2008 11:18 pm  

I did it in photobucket....
I did it in photobucket. Once your pic appears in the first place when it uploads, there is reduction options directly under it. I had to upload a second copy because the one in my stockpile had a reduction option, but it didnt work. It seems like reduction only works if it is the first thing I do after I upload an image to photobucket. I suppose I could also do it ahead of time in photoshop (which I did), but it wasn't enough of a reduction.
It also helped that I did it first thing, while I was still groggy, or I am sure I would have given up quickly. Being out of it can be an asset!

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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11/09/2008 11:21 pm  

Congratulations !

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1395
12/09/2008 6:09 am  

Mr. Romance
Glassartist, you have brought a tear of joy to my eye with that story. Many, many years of happiness to you. On a practical note, the stem is just fine the way it is, the sturdier, the better. I have been married a long, long time and am on my third ring. I restore houses and sell antiques and constantly use power tools, move furniture, load trucks, etc and was very hard on my rings. I have finally settled on a nice thick titanium band with completely inset tiny diamonds on the top. Nothing to break, nothing to "catch" on anything.
Nothing short of nuclear war is going to annihilate this ring!
You need to begin on her 1st anniversary gift. Tradition dictates a gift of paper. Perhaps a Frank Gehry Wiggle Chair necklace?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 902
13/09/2008 6:27 am  

I'm right there with you. we ...
I'm right there with you. we are both very physical artists and crafspeople, builders and glassblowers. This ring is purely gestural, and will likely never be worn.

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