Design Addict


Milo Baughman  


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02/06/2008 9:23 am  

question for you all: when did Milo Baughman become such a big deal? I first got into mid-century stuff in the mid-90s; at that time it was not a name one ever heard...last year in NYC his stuff was the highest-priced stuff at all the stores on Lafayette St. so what's the deal? to me, it just seems like conservative bourgeois furniture with ultra-pricey materials; perfectly tasteful, but in no way interestingly designed. is it just that the supply of Eames Nelson McCobb etc etc dried up and dealers need to make $? or what?

Illustrious Member
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02/06/2008 10:57 am  

i think its a fair question
my take is that his work is similar to wormley in that some pieces are good modern and others are "mannered" for a more conservative market. i feel that his blander stuff does not diminish his better pieces. his tables for glenn were especially nice. it could be the case that there were precious few forward looking companies to work with and folks like the eames' were very talented AND fortunate. perhaps "our modern" was not a big enough market for every forward looking designer and he snuck them in when he could. this is why i give him cred for his good work, rather than penalizing him for the more bland. i just cant assume he designed exactly what he would have liked every time.

Illustrious Member
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03/06/2008 7:50 am  

Baughman is great and has...
Baughman is great and has come into his own in the last 10 years,
When he designed for Thayer in the 70s he was producing everything and not everything was wonderful.
I remember the stuff very well cause my brothers relatives owned a furniture store that sold his stuff, and back then some of the fabrics were really ugly,
If you were a lover of chrome or burl wood he was your go to guy, but yes even at t he Palm Springs show he was one of the hottest brands going, He represents the early 70s as Nelson, Eames, Knoll spoke for the 50s
Panton,Probber, Kagan, the Pop 60s.

azurechicken (USA)
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03/06/2008 8:15 am  

He did a huge amount of fair looking stuff and a few great pieces...much of his work "backgroud furniture",good quality,very dentist/rabbi/shrinks... office.I think Wormley is a good one to compare him to, but, his best work has more depth and texture?

Illustrious Member
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03/06/2008 8:51 am  

Wormley is a G-D in ...
Wormley is a G-D in the modern furniture dept. His designs were the high end of the chart for Dunbar, and the upper crust folks who like high quality furniture with a edge to it,
Baughman for Theyar Coggin, was middle of the road furniture in the 70s. His furniture has become popular just in the last 10 years.

Reputable Member
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Posts: 108
03/06/2008 12:53 pm  

I guess I'm a reverse snob: ...
I guess I'm a reverse snob: I like to at least imagine my modernist furniture is well designed stuff that could be mass produced cheaply, as opposed to the 70s baughman style, which seems almost entirely oriented towards opulent materials....


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