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Milo Baughman for C...

Milo Baughman for Calif-Asia? wicker rattan chairs  


Eminent Member
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Posts: 28
02/10/2010 3:09 pm  

I got these the other day and posted on "your most recent acquisition". I got them because their metal frames intrigued me. This is the first one: And this second one is one of a pair:  Since getting them, I have searched extensively for similar chairs to learn more about them. The only thing I have found is an internet "for sale" ad showing the chairs in photo 2. It suggested the advertised chairs had a "Calif-Asia" label and were designed by Milo Baughman as he did design work for Calif-Asia. I still haven't found any information about the first chair, but it has a similar support structure bolted to the cane/rattan component. I prefer the shape of the first chair, it's a bit like a modified butterfly chair.

Noble Member
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14/03/2012 3:57 am  

Not true
After doing considerable research into Milo BaughmanI think I can state with some assurity that this chair is not one of the designs he did for Calif-Asia.

Eminent Member
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Posts: 28
25/04/2012 10:39 pm  

thank you
I still don't know any more about these chairs, but I appreciate your info.

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20/11/2015 6:01 pm  

Did Milo design for this co. & if so can anyone document this? And was the "CALIF ASIA" company based on 6818 Avalon Blvd in LA, CA? I have 2 chairs, wicker over iron frames, 1 of which 1 has a sticker that states the above address, along w/ "Made in British Hong Kong". Note the brass spherical feet that are different than others on similar chairs.


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