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McCobb chair or not...

McCobb chair or not.  

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Illustrious Member
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21/07/2007 4:12 am  

Can someone here please help settle whether or not the chair in the link below is by Paul McCobb or not.I have found a few online dealers state it is a McCobb chair and others attribute it to him.

The chair has curved back and arms in oak and a wrought iron chair base with a distinctive V shape in the back.

Illustrious Member
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21/07/2007 6:03 am  

I guess I should throw...
I guess I should throw another name in the mix here to see if it helps me get to the bottom of this.
Lee Woodard and sons (russell woodard is one of the "sons")
This company is a possible maker of this chair.
A few months back I typed Mccobb chairs into google images and within 2 pages I found a few examples of these chairs saying they were Paul McCobb but a few pages later I found either treadways or wright attributing these chairs to McCobb,now I cant even find one image of these chairs anywhere on the net.
Anyone with any knowledge of mccobb please let me know any thoughts you might have on this subject.

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22/07/2007 3:59 am  

predictor line
I have a Mccobb addiction going, and my records of past sales, show this as being from the predictor line. I have seen ebay sales range from 100 each to 250 each. Though they don't show up very often, which should raise the value. Sorry I don't know any more. Try getting the Mccobb book called 50s furniture by mccobb. (I don't have it)
Don from Davenport Iowa, machinist fabricator, restoration of fine furiture, Knoll and Mccobb interests.

Illustrious Member
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22/07/2007 5:10 am  

Thanks for the reply,I will...
Thanks for the reply,I will get that book and hopefully finally put this to bed.
My chairs (6) cost more than 250 each though 🙁 buy I got the table too 🙂

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22/07/2007 7:18 am  

I vote NOT McCobb. I've seen this attributed to McCobb, but never in an original source (ie, a publication from the 50s or 60s). Given that absence, I've always believed the contemporary attributions to be faulty (hardly rare).
And, just to use the Eyeball Test -- does it look like McCobb to you? Ol' Paul would've had to have had a very, very bad day to have been responsible for this one.

Illustrious Member
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22/07/2007 8:30 am  

Davenport, Iowa??
Donsof, I grew up in the Davenport area and return every October for a week or two. The only interesting shopping that I can find in your city is at the Ranch House store located in the Figge art museum. And the only interesting bar that I can find is Mary's on 2nd. Am I missing any others? Best, Mark

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23/07/2007 4:08 am  

I could be wrong on the...
I could be wrong on the chair as well. I am only repeating Mccobb attribution, I have no evidence of the exact designer. I am always trying to find info on Mccobb stuff.
I usually go out to see live music of the jazz-rockabilly persuasion. I will sometimes stoop to a rock or classic-rock band. I don't go to the "homeowner" bars down on 2nd, like Mary's. Though they are less annoying than this hip-hop BS that we currently are enduring! Davenport isn't a great tourist stop. Iowa City and Chicago are much better.

Illustrious Member
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23/07/2007 5:37 am  

Less annoyed by "Homeowner bars"? Should I assume that to be an insult to your local gay community?

azurechicken (USA)
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23/07/2007 9:47 am  

I agree with you on every point....not McCobb.None of his balance...

azurechicken (USA)
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23/07/2007 10:03 am  

It may very well be Woodard..Van Keppel Green in California possibly sold this/this type chair in their store(they were also designers)...I have seen similar styles in ads in vintage Arts and Architecture magazines...

Noble Member
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16/06/2010 8:04 am  

Certainly Not by Paul McCobb!
There is absolutely nothing in the historical record to support a Paul McCobb attribution with these chairs.
They were certainly not manufactured by Winchendon (which they are sometimes attributed to) as I have an almost complete Paul McCobb/Planner Group catalog collection. They also were most definitely not manufactured by Arbuck (Yes I have managed to unearth that catalog too).
Judging by the amount of them available on the market my best guess is that they were a catalog item but this is only a guess I have not really pursued this avenue to research them further.
I spoke recently with the 20th century expert at Ragoarts (where this misattribution is likely to have originated) and he agreed that it was likely that the attribution was made in error at the time, however they have done nothing to reverse it.

Illustrious Member
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16/06/2010 8:39 am  

Thank you
For sharing your info and knowledge on the forum, straylight.

Noble Member
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16/06/2010 10:07 am  

Not Woodard either
There's also nothing to suggest that they were designed by Woodard outside of the fact that they are iron and use the little disc feet that are common to Woodard's designs, but not unique to Woodard by any means.
Woodard advertised constantly though the 50 and 60's and again there is absolutely nothing in the historical record to support the assumption that they were a Woodard design.
I made the same mistake (assuming they might be by Woodard) earlier on in my research and got royally slammed for it when not able to present any substantial evidence to support the attribution.
I'll never do that again!

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16/06/2010 12:37 pm  

is this the same chair?
"Rare Eames era Danish Modern Windsor Style Chair Iron"
Why so cheap?

Famed Member
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16/06/2010 2:24 pm  

not only has Rago not done...
not only has Rago not done anything to reverse it - they currently have that chair up for auction and they have it listed as attributed to McCobb!

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