Design Addict


Maurizio Tempestini...

Maurizio Tempestini for Lightolier  


Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 282
25/09/2011 10:11 am  

Does anyone have a scan of the ad that shows the three lamps (in this series) that Maurizio Tempestini designed for Lightolier in 1953? I saw the ad years ago in an ebay listing and I guess I didn't save it... I've only seen two of the three lamps and I'd just love to know what that third lamp looks like!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 902
26/09/2011 4:19 am  

Sorry, cant help
but I know why you are asking, but I hope you got it!

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 282
26/09/2011 8:08 am  

Thanks glassartist,
I was...
Thanks glassartist,
I was fortunate enough to pick up one of these (the first lamp pictured) at an estate sale this weekend, after years of lusting after it.
Aside from just wanting to know more about the line, I'm also interested in knowing, with definitive proof, what the original shade and finial were like on these, as mine may have been changed. I figured that ad would be the best proof for that. There's very little info on this line, at all! Love them though.

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 282
13/10/2011 3:37 am  

Well, part of what I was...
Well, part of what I was trying to do was to see what the original shade looked like. I've been perusing the Arts + Architecture reprints lately, and came across this image. Thought I'd share. No shots/ads of the group though, so the third lamp is still a mystery...


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