Design Addict


Mari Simulsson  


Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 24
28/02/2006 2:17 am  

I'm awful. Really. My clean, lean home has been tainted with fuzzy and extravagant colours. I got a box of old pottery from my grandmother - and since that box contained a Lindberg I of course snatched it greedily. It also turned out to contain some pieces of Mari Simulsson. A green, organic bowl with a bright white pattern in the bottom. And of course more Häberli Origo bowls. I just love these things. Even though they are so extravagant.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2054
01/03/2006 4:06 pm  

Lucky you...
I would love to find a Stig Lindberg vase or a Mari Simulsson for that matter. Stig Lindberg is still missing in the design index and I always intended to do something about it, started to collect some information on top of what I already havebut never finished it because I have few of his products. Would you mind sending a picture of the piece to DesignAddict? I will contribute with a few of the Gustavsberg products that we have and I will complete the research to write the biography.

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Posts: 24
01/03/2006 9:21 pm  

This one is quite common, but quaint nonetheless. It is part of a range he made for the swedish apothetcary company in the 60s, and it's a 5 cm round mustard box with a cork lid. The Simulsson bowl was a nice surprise. If you have an email address I can send a picture of it to you. The mustard box, that is.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2054
02/03/2006 10:22 pm  

If you do not mind...
it would be most useful if you send it to Designaddict: It would allow Alix to start a page on Stig L.


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