Design Addict


Marc Harrison  


Honorable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 126
18/02/2013 7:05 pm  

While working on my bedroom, I ended up removing the radiator for refinishing. As a result, I brought up my old (purchased around 1981-82) Quartzpower TX1 quartz heater to heat the room. Astounded that this unit has worked without a glitch for over thirty years, and looking great while doing so, I decided to research who designed it. In doing so, I found the patent for it on Google and saw that it was designed by Marc Harrison. He was a pivotal industrial designer who significantly redesigned the Cusinart food processor and, more importantly, changed the way many in the industry think with respect to design for the elderly and handicapped. Unfortunately, he passed while only sixty two years of age in the 1990s, but, at least for me, his legacy lives on in my TX1.


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