Design Addict


Maeven and Maeven T...

Maeven and Maeven Traps  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
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22/10/2007 6:53 pm  

When I read about it, I thought "Most people hera are maevens" but so "DA is a maeven trap?.

I,m collecting DA definitions, and think, Designaddict (and provably other forums) can fit in this category.

"What is a Maven Trap?"

Illustrious Member
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22/10/2007 11:25 pm  

No I don't think so...
While all of us here at DA are avowed design addicts, we are not being 'sold' a brand message by being here. The Maven Traps are intended to create brand loyalty, but Patrick and Alix have no intent to sell us anything by providing this site. Yes, they do sell stuff and yes, they do have adverting links to companies that also sell stuff, but the forum exist independently of the sales end of things. The adverts are there but I can ignore them if I want to, or I can consider them another source of knowledge about my passion. The DA crowd may indeed bond to the DA brand but we're here cuz we love design not cuz we love Design Addict. (although we do love that too!)

Illustrious Member
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23/10/2007 1:06 pm  

I agree and have to add that...
I agree and have to add that the advertisments mean virtually nothing to me, I've clicked on 2 of them from memory, mostly they just look boring or silly, "hey look theres another freaking boring egg chair, I must look at that..." mmmmmmm.
The design conscious must be difficult to market to, speaking for myself I know exactly what I want from a product and don't think I can really be wooed with cheap tricks.

Illustrious Member
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24/10/2007 5:42 pm  

Dear Olive:
Don,t sub estimate me so much. (If not, we,ll turn this into a 1st grade conversation).
I,m sad you think I could think like that. This is not the first day I,m here and I know you, P & A, and most of other contributors quite enough.
When I typed ,Maven trap, I said: Does this sound nice?, but the concept and my intention was the opposite.
I agree with you both, in almost everything you said.
You said:
The Maven Traps are intended to create brand loyalty
NO, that was the BIG MISTAKE:
Brand loyalty it,s one concept, very established, Maven trap it,s something very different, and very new to me, (at least the concept).
(May be you understated that because the link that I used, used examples of 1 -800 numbers and Milk Helpline. (So you provably linked it with ,,brand royality,,)).
Well, in the book, he uses 150pages to explain what is the tipping point, he says that one of the 3 type of person to reach it are the mavens, and then about other 100 pages to describe them.
The ,,maven trap,, name and concept appears in the LAST page, It,s an addition
And I wanted to explain it with two links! With my poor slow one inch brain. Sorry for my stupidity!.
Indeed I learned the ,maven trap, concept in the link I posted, Then I wanted to find in the book I had almost read, and coudn,t find it. It was an addition after the first edition, thanks to readers comments, and I repeat, in the last page.
Well, here I,ll try again, I,ll first say what is a maven:
Malcolm Gladwell used it in his book The Tipping Point (Little Brown, 2000) to describe those who are intense gatherers of information and impressions, and so are often the first to pick up on new or nascent.
Maven is a person who has lot?s of information on different products, prices, or places. Mavens are not persuaders. These are people who feel passionate about something.Their motivation is to educate and to help.
The above definition doesent fit perfectly with most of DA folks?, every one on his specific area and in general with design?,
Malcolm Gladwell, in his book recognizes how important are the mavens, but find them difficult to find them, to reach them. He is obsessive trying to find the KEY that open the maven door, he can,t, and he says that is the challenge to next generation. And that,s why he uses the Ivoy 1-800 number example (it,s the closer (and only) example he funded).
To my way of thinking, this forum (and provably others, in others areas) are the best way to find this kind of people.
Malcolm Gladwell, didn,t realize yet.
But this forum can be use, or may be it was already used, with or without P&A or other consent, as I described above.
Sorry, Sorry, sorry, for invite all of you to think in a wrong way.
Bad to me not to explain things as I should.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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24/10/2007 6:18 pm  

Maven.....doesn't that mean authority?
I always thought that Maven was a Yiddish term for an authority.
Collectors who have learned about what they like to collect from experience and knowledge gathering can be considered a maven.
Quote the Maven, "(there's) alwaysmore"

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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24/10/2007 8:15 pm  

Gustavo, I think maybe we miscommunicated somehow. My answer was an honest and genuine opinion and not intended as an insult to your intelligence. I think I'll remove myself from this thread now as I seem to have muckled it up somehow!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 659
24/10/2007 9:06 pm  

Dear Olive
Dear Olive:
I.m not worry about somebody dosen,t trust my intelligence, but yes about somebody dosen,t trust my good intentions about and all the designaddict community, you included.
Sorry, but may be I felt your answer a bit impersonal and so un-polite.
Don't worry about the miscommunicated, although wasn,t the first one, that,s why a long time ago I wanted to comment you something about it. I?d like you to mail you. May I? You know where you can find mine and send me yours.
What do you think about the mavens?


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