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MIES question: "Ger...

MIES question: "Gerry Griffith", was he also a student...  


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04/11/2009 11:39 am  

at IIT under Mies? Or a "Metalurgist" from Germany?
I plan to pick up a copy of the "Critical Biography of Mies" as soon as possible, but I am just throwing this question out to you who may have any further insight or valuable information about who "Gerry Griffith" was exactly. I have some other leads that I am currently working on including a different name variation. I know Gerald R. Griffith was asked to make very very limited pieces of furniture upon Mies's personal request. I am begining to find any or all pieces "Gerry Griffith" made were of the "Highest Quality", and quite possibly limited to only "Indvidual Examples" and most accurate dimensions of the "Weimer Period" or by "Josef Mueller Berliner Metallgewerbe" of the homeland. If this is true, would these almost forgotten and unknown pieces reproduced in Chicago to be known as the last "American" prototype" known to exist and made on this continent? I can't help it, my mind stirs late into the night of all the possibilities after my recent findings confirmed by "Wright" that these two Tugenhat chairs are CERTAIN to have been made by "Gerry Griffith" post 1950. Tming IS everything and the "Devil is in the Details". I greatly appreciate your comments and any help you can offer me in determining answers to these questions. I am excited and hopeful to some day contribute answers to your posted inquiries. I simply enjoy learning any factual history of the many subjects brought into this wonderful forum. I hope my story puts a smile on your face and a long thought of pause into your mind...thanks again. Another alias name of mine... "AUGUST64"

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05/11/2009 9:10 am  

Was he...
...just a Chicago-based manufacturer?

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07/11/2009 7:23 am  

Reason I ask is to understand why Mies chose this man G. Griffith...
Mies chose by way of a commission this man (Gerald or Gerry R. Griffith)to construct specific examples of what may possibly have been his last direct involvment with chair construction and choice of materials. I have recently found some articles that spoke about a lot of controversy and debate over choice of materials, but this article did not elaborate much further than that. Although Mies went onto many other architectural works and more his involvment in chair design and manufacture was in the hands of the Knoll Corporation and MOMA. So, was Gerry Griffith just a furniture maker in Chicago? I don't know....I suppose it's possible, but highly unlikely Mies would choose any obscure furniture craftsmen to construct his highly sought furniture. Still searching....


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