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MCM media rooms and...

MCM media rooms and the flat screen issue  

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Trusted Member
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14/03/2011 11:28 pm  

Of those three...
Of those three examples, i would say that only the last one doesn't bother me. perhaps because it already has sort of a minimalist boxy "waiting room" vibe to it. Or maybe because the TV is actually on and that makes it less like the black monolith from 2001 Space Odyssey...and more like a home theater.
The other two rooms would look fine WITHOUT the TV. I'm sorry, but the big flat screens just look odd and out-of-place to me. Especially the middle one.
Definitely an above-the-fireplace theme going on.

Illustrious Member
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15/03/2011 12:38 am  

I would like to take this...
I would like to take this moment to thank each and every one of you that has contributed to this thread. This has been a funny read. And regardless of your stance, it illustrates just how important entertainment is to our society. Us going on and on about these things.
I am sure there isn't anything that I could add that hasn't been said, but I'll give a quick read list of my own feelings about this topic, in no particular order...
But I must rib Olive for a moment, as I am surprised one of her solutions was to leave a TV on for aesthetic purposes. Power suck only to make the black hole more bearable! Tsk tsk!
1. TVs are a part of life. I don't hide that I watch TV. My sofa faces it, too, because I refuse to get a crick in my neck so that I might impress others. My living room, I feel, does a good job at focusing on the "conversation pit" regardless. It helps to have other sitting areas not fixated on the tube in conjunction with the classic sofa at center...
2. Bold self congratulatory remarks about not owning or not watching TVs are irritating at times. And if you catch me at the right moment, I just see them as funny. Owning a TV doesn't tell you WHAT the owner watches, or how much they watch it. Being in touch with news and entertainment is part of being a well-rounded individual. If it makes you feel better about yourself to do without such things though, what'evs. Have a ball. But you're neither gaining my respect or losing it. I just hope you're making yourself into a dullard for yourself and not someone else.
3. Having economics enter the conversation is lame. (i.e. I'm hyper rich and have 19 houses and don't need TV for culture because I can afford to partake in the culture that you only watch on your dumb-box). I actually didn't own a TV before I was married and much poorer. Mainly because I am so ADD I cannot finish a program. But my wife has taught me to stay focused and now I enjoy a couple of weekly shows. It's actually a very positive thing for me. Learning to relax is good. Many of you seem to need to relax. So often designer types don't know how.

Illustrious Member
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15/03/2011 12:39 am  

4. Watching dumb shows is fun from time to time. C'mon. You know it is. You mean to tell me all you watch are documentaries about dead designers? Hate to be that guy. I love Dexter, Weeds, Modern Family et al. And these aren't exactly dumb. They're well written, acted, and shot. Isn't a TV show just a broadcasted play? There are great shows out there.
5. Worrying about how MCM your living room looks is hilarious. It's 2011. Reaching back is not modern. It's sentimental.
6. I believe the right sized TV has to do with a few factors, with the most important being how large your room is. Also, how much you watch it, what you like to watch, and how good your vision is. Mine is 37" I think. Getting one far too small is almost as silly as having one too large. I don't want to sit in front of a billboard to read it, and I don't want to read a T-short label from 10 feet away either. Common sense is your friend.
7. More plain the better. I bought a Westinghouse because it is matte black. Seems most are glossy these days. Recessed inside a modular wall unit it disappears easily enough. But that is by chance, not on purpose.
Cheers. I CANNOT wait until Breaking Bad comes back on.

Illustrious Member
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15/03/2011 12:45 am  

and for whomever raised the...
and for whomever raised the point of a grandfather bashing his grandson for being vegetarian ... much like the TV vs. no TV situ I hear vegetarians touting their choice proudly more often than people downing them for it. Vegetarians are probably the other most annoying group of folks that love to state their choice. TV haters are next. Both are usually some failed attempt to outdo the listener in terms of either intelligence or morality. This bores the shit out of me. I don't care what you watch or what you eat.
That being said, I do have very respectable friends who are vegetarian and/or do not like TV. It's not a bash on those choices, rather a simple declaration that I find self congratulatory statements annoying, especially when coupled with a subject that is so subjective by nature.

Illustrious Member
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15/03/2011 1:32 am  

Thanks Lucifer, very kind of you, I only read with a minimum 75 watt tungsten bulb or daylight so please prepare your conservatory beforehand, I also like a small bowl of sugared almonds on the right hand side and no further than 12 inches from my hand.
I will also bring my own books so please don't trouble yourself, being a television watcher yours are probably vulgar.

Famed Member
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15/03/2011 1:53 am  

It's amazing to me how many p...
It's amazing to me how many people will jump down my throat the second they find out I am a vegetarian even though I don't talk about it and I don't judge anyone else (but I'm the one who is self-righteous and annoying, apparently). There was this one guy who managed to bring it up in an internet forum on televisions in MCM homes, totally out of the blue, if you can believe that.

Illustrious Member
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15/03/2011 2:04 am  

I accept your ribbing, Whitespike and raise you a smack!
Be nice to vegetarians!
And I only do it occasionally usually during dinner parties over cocktails. I don't leave the TV on all day just to fill up the black hole. But it IS nice to provide some visual stimulus during conversations and the scenery is just so darned lovely out here! And besides, flat screens use a heck of a lot less power that tube TVs do! Since our TV isn't on all that much I'll accept the frivolous consumption!

Illustrious Member
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15/03/2011 2:15 am  

Keracolor is the answer.....oh, and perhaps a lotus or three?

Illustrious Member
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15/03/2011 2:57 am  

Ok I expect to be roasted for this but I can't resist.
Actually the vegetarian comparison was mine and I'm not a vegetarian but I am gay, I also only eat kangaroo for protein and I own a chainsaw, but not a television though I do read pulpy sci fi, I listen to public radio and occasionally vote for conservatives, Odd huh? Its all so confusing these days the only reaction seems to be a very thin skinned intolerance and a complete lack of humour. Its like there's 2 camps and you have to be firmly planted in one or the other.
I am self righteous about it, so what? I think people who eat factory farmed meat or pasture beef are doing themselves, the animals and their countryside damage. I'm proud that I'm not. I'm not holding a gun to anyones head, no you can't watch Seinfeld! I think people who watch television could usually be doing something better with their time, perhaps gardening, going for a walk, talking to the neighbours or learning a new skill.
I wonder if all this class stuff has anything to do with culture and politics in the US at the moment? From what I've read theres a lot of conflict there and I find it hard to imagine any English or Europeans or (as Americanised as they are) Australians really being bothered, it'd be a big Gallic shrug or water off a ducks back here. No one I've ever mentioned my superior lifestyle too has ever given a toss and if someone wants to tell me I'm going to hell or should never be able to marry I'm about as interested in it as the trading in peanut futures but I will defend their right to express their politics, poison the minds of their children, rape our land, eat ground pigs ears, dress poorly and eat turnips, yuck.

Famed Member
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15/03/2011 3:24 am  

Heath - You can take the...
Heath - You can take the blame, but you brought up vegetarianism to draw an analogy -- it was just an aside. You weren't trying to make some off-topic, inappropriate point about vegetarians.

Illustrious Member
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15/03/2011 3:32 am  

oh ok I misunderstood.
Last post from me on this topic. I think I've made my position clear and derailed the thread enough, I apologise.

Famed Member
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15/03/2011 4:45 am  

Breaking Bad is the BEST excuse for owning a TV! Hands down the best show EVER.

Illustrious Member
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15/03/2011 5:11 am  

I miss James Cameron's 'Dark Angel'. Now THAT was good TV!

Illustrious Member
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15/03/2011 5:36 am  

like i said, i've got many vegetarian friends. but i know just as many of them who declare their stance every chance they get. i said it was not a knock on the decision, just on those who use it as an attempt to outdo others in intelligence and morality. if you do not do those things you have nothing to worry about. and like stated before, the analogy was not even mine. i was just adding to an existing sentiment. i hope you'll recover.
whc - breaking bad makes me believe in television. so good. the anxiety it causes me, but i can't look away.

Honorable Member
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15/03/2011 6:21 am  

I'd like to cut out a hole in the wall behind my couch and flush mount a projector. Ventilation may be an issue though. I'd also need a fairly low profile projector.
Sorry if a projector was already mentioned above - the conversation looked a bit dicey in spots so I just looked at the pictures.

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