While the overall form of the...
While the overall form of the lamps may be inspired by Thurston's work, I do not believe that those are designed by Gerald Thurston (I could be mistaken). Either way, I think they are deserving of some new shades. Do they have any lightolier markings?
MCM Lamps- Help w/ ID
I agree with the shades- I've already solicited the advice of several MCM dealers for suggestions on proper shades. I can not find any markings on the lamps and haven't had the nerve to remove the felt on the bottom to check base for fear of tearing it. I have seen a seller with the same table lamp attribute it to Thurston, although they don't divulge on how they've identified it. It seems right, but just not quite right, if that makes any sense.
thank you for the advice...and another question
Thank you for your advice. I had narrowed it down to Thurston, Von Nessen and Rembrandt, so it looks like I was on the right track. There is an identical table lamp currently listed on a certain auction site and attributed to Thurston by the seller. I have noticed that these two lamps and another purchased at the same time, have an "F" on the light switch knob. I'm assuming this is for the electrical components but was curious what it stands for? I've not noticed it on other lamps. Any suggestions on where to search for further references or does the design style of these lamps speak for themselves?
I can't claim that they're...
I can't claim that they're exclusive to Laurel, but the only lamps I've personally had that have had or seen with the F switches on them have all been Laurel lamps.
I also have a floor lamp (and had a table lamp) that are fairly similar to this, save for that little section between the central ring and the socket (the top half of the hourglass shape). I took the felt off the bottom on mine to rewire, and the weighted ring in the base had "Woodruff-Edwards" written on it. I have a feeling that this was just a supplier of the weight used in the base, but it was the only marking I could find...
I understand
that the felt is replaceable but since it was completely intact, I hated to mess with it. Done the deed and no markings. No one has given me any estimates on value- For me trying to identify something is as much fun as the find sometimes. I will be selling at some point and would like to properly identify.
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