Design Addict


Looking for detail ...

Looking for detail photos of a Diamond Chair.  


Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 299
31/08/2010 8:56 pm  

I thought last week there was a lengthy discussion concerning proving the authenticity of Bertoia chairs. Kind of only skimmed the topic because I don't own any and after sitting in an uncovered side chair had pretty much written off the desire to ever OWN any. BUT...I came across a couple Diamond chairs over the weekend for a great price and was SHOCKED when I sat in them uncovered...the chairs NOT ME...that they were actually NOT UNCOMFORTABLE. So, I'm looking to authenticate them when I go for a second look and likely purchase this weekend. I'd love to see some detail photos of key areas to consider on the chairs in terms of authenticating them and if someone can point me to that thread I can't seem to find for some reason I'd appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.


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