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Living sustainably ...

Living sustainably modern in Santa Fe  

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Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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20/07/2009 4:31 am  

Decrying everything as...
Decrying everything as Socialist is the new hot thing to do. Can't wait until we start complaining about greedy capitalist pigs again.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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20/07/2009 6:38 am  

Good luck
with the move!
And a good choice to rent.
Moving is stressful enough. Seems like a healthy way to get familiar
with the new landscape.

Illustrious Member
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20/07/2009 7:05 am  

i love Santa Fe great pl...
i love Santa Fe great place great food, great people
you will love it .

Illustrious Member
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20/07/2009 9:39 pm  

Thanks all!
We're really all psyched up for this move. The people out here are friendly, the weather is gorgeous, the landscape is spectaular and the food is too delicious for words!
There is also a culture here of people trying to find a good way to be human and be kind to the planet. Sure that are those that go overboard, like SCS believes, but mostly people are trying to be sane and sensible. We didn't get to the place we are in overnight, and we won't get out of it quickly either. I truly believe that we can live in harmony with the ecosystem, but we won't get there by sticking to business as usual.
If you always do as you have always done, you will always get what you've always gotten. I forget who wrote that, but it's a very true statement. Change is hard and there are always people like SCS, who fight it with hard words of stubborn misunderstanding.
Actually, I think wind farms are gorgeous.

Illustrious Member
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20/07/2009 9:45 pm  

....I am still thinking
...and try to find out why I have to choose between a tree frog and common sense...

Illustrious Member
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20/07/2009 10:07 pm  

You mean, common sense and...
You mean, common sense and tree frogs might actually, in certain environments, be compatible koen ... oh, the horror!
Thanks, gustavo, for the link.

Illustrious Member
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21/07/2009 12:37 am  

You have a very valid point, Koen...
why do people assume that earth stewardship and common sense have to be mutually exclusive? We have one planet, we have to respect it. Would a homeowner live in their home and never maintain it? Would they just use it and use it until it's destroyed? That's some serious lacking in common sense right there!
And if you want clay, you really should come for a visit! The area is famous for it! The smoked black pieces are my favorite. Such a lovely sheen, and the designs are all symbolic geometries. This one is 'wind and clouds'

Illustrious Member
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21/07/2009 2:53 am  

Hi olive,
It's quite a inspiring feeling to know that you have arrived at a new destination both geographically and mentally...
I am still searching the net. There must be cases of wild tree frogs attacking defenceless Hummers with common sense as their only way out of the grip of these voracious creatures. I hear that they sometimes flatten themselves in front of oncoming tires, and transform themselves massively in a slippery substance, so called suicide slime, in order to force the Hummers off the road into hostile natural territory where they are left, the wheels spinning in the air, trying to get a firm grip on their personal responsibility and on the few bits and pieces of asphalt that would be their only salvation. I fear we have not seen the end of the upcoming tyranny of the tree frog...
Somewhere in the early days of the 18th century we started this journey into that strange direction of thought that humans were not part of nature. Instead of respecting it we could dominate it instead of understanding it's complexity we could simplify it to well arranged parcs wit limited flower beds, orchestrated fountains instead of natural spings etc. etc. Three centuries later and in spite of all the evidence, some people are still holding on to that idea. Which makes me hopefull about the potential durability of some new ideas that we need and develop.
Thank you for the suggestion to visit the area and look at pots. If I am given enough days, I certainly will.

Illustrious Member
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21/07/2009 3:38 am  

"The notion that humans are destroying the planet -or- the delusion of humans saving the planet?"
So if you can't beat 'em join 'em? It reminds me of last night, when I was watching Lord of the Rings. The head wizard decides to side with evil simply because he believes good will not win.
So, in a way, his lack of confidence in his own kind was evil in and of itself. I am not suggesting we can learn everything about life from a fairy tale. But I find your attitude to be similar.
You may not be a "bad" person per se left alone, but in the heat of a difficult challenge it sounds as if your lack of confidence in man (and yourself) has disillusioned your reality. The reality that you can be "good" and make decisions that reflect that regardless of who wins. Making the right choice isn't really about success.
While there is definitely some green washing going on, it only means that it is catching on and that those with real intent can also prosper. With popularity comes the bandwagoneers. So be it.
What is design if it is not solving problems? In case you haven't noticed, our environment has been in trouble for some time. Isn't it only right to try and solve what we can, regardless of the fact that, yes, it may be naive to claim we can save the planet?
But we aren't saying we can save the planet - ever or overnight - but keeping it well as long as possible is also a valiant effort, no?
What is missing in you is optimism and a sense of progress. Which is one of the ingredients of the modernism many of us have come to believe in.
And this "religion" you speak of, in my mind, goes hand in hand with being environmentally sound. As simple as taking care of yourself ... only not so Narcissistic.

Illustrious Member
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21/07/2009 4:13 am  

Egads, Koen...That was FUNNY!
So glad to have you back amongst us more. I'm so happy to hear you are back in your home. I dearly hope Atelier Orange returns soon as well.
The one last comment I have about all this is, I shall never understand people who are more concerned with money and taxes than they are about life, love and learning. Seems a very warped priority list to me.

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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21/07/2009 4:22 am  

Wishing You Well
in you new life Olive
Robert x

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