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Living sustainably ...

Living sustainably modern in Santa Fe  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
18/07/2009 5:36 am  

Hi all, We just found a place to rent in Santa Fe and we'll be all moved in in 3 weeks! I can't believe we're finally doing this!

Take a look...

azurechicken (USA)
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1966
18/07/2009 4:45 pm  

What a great place, Olive, you will love living in Santa Fe.

Eminent Member
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Posts: 23
18/07/2009 7:34 pm  

What's so "sustainable"...
What's so "sustainable" about it? Website doesn't mention a thing.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
18/07/2009 11:02 pm  

Yeah, the website really doesn't go into it...
...I'm not sure why that is. But, the etire complex was built to be LEED-certified. It uses FSC lumber, evaporative coolers vs A/C, radiant flooring, high efficiency appliances, high R-value insulation and windows and low-VOC paints and finishes. All the units have rain water catchment and some use solar thermal for the heating. The units are also all oriented to provide passive solar heating. It's really quite progressive for a housing community of its size.

Illustrious Member
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18/07/2009 11:35 pm  

Very nice, Olive
I wouldn't mind living there....

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 522
19/07/2009 2:39 am  

Really neat. Good luck with...
Really neat. Good luck with your move Olive.

Eminent Member
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19/07/2009 11:10 am  

Yes, enjoy your overpriced,...
Yes, enjoy your overpriced, immigrant-built cracker box. It will take you years just to pay for the solar panels.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
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19/07/2009 2:18 pm  

How rude can some people be?...
How rude can some people be? Good luck with it Olive, looks a nice place.

Noble Member
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19/07/2009 3:17 pm  

If you wish to...
If you wish to participate in a constructive way to the discussions on our forum, you are welcome.
On the contrary, if you continue to post this type of message, well, there are other forums on the web...
Olive, sorry for this.
We are looking forward to seeing your place when you'll be installed with your furniture and objects, transformed by the Olive touch.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 659
19/07/2009 5:29 pm  

Hi Olive!
Hi Olive!
The place looks really great. You'll live in a real Lagorreta? wow! I'll envy you 🙂
Mexican culture and architecture is quite different from ours, as opposite as many could think, indeed is obviously much more similar to some Southern USA. I say this because is not so familiar as could some think. But this can not stop make me admire the great work of Ricardo Lagorreta. I admire the way he use the tradition, his own way to reflect tradition, local issues in a contemporary way. The use of the water in such a poetic way. Those heavy bocks, attached between them, in a simple-complex sculptural way. He was the first one I admire for that, 20 years from now.
HE was really a proto (pre) visionary in the "green" if someone would like to put it that tag, he made this 30/40 years ago with big conscious of what was needed and common sense.
Of course couldn't be a coincidence that our Green-Olive Ambassador will enjoy some time there.
Interiors, as are condos, are similar but there are some details, some windows, stairs, etc that are very nice. But I can imagine exteriors... (I try to find pictures but didn't find many), I mean those spaces between different units, or some public area, those "small plazas, or zocalos, that offer defined neighborhoods" would have the magic I have in mind.
Good luck with the move.
ps: I guess after the tiring moving you'll finally could enjoy a deserved refreshing time at the pool. 😉
with a Martini, obviously 😉 😉

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 659
19/07/2009 7:49 pm
Just in case somebody didn't know much about Lagorreta
Firm, Design philosophy, Honors and Awards:

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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19/07/2009 10:10 pm  

Thanks Gustavo!
Legoretta is a cool guy. He's done a lot of designs for Santa Fe, which really has a Spanish/Mexican flavor versus typical American. The city is having its 400th birthday next year. There's a lot of interesting history here. The 'zocalos' of the development we'll be in are really a major part of the culture of the place. There are lots of communal areas and gathering places. The exteriors also demonstrate an influence of one of Legorretta's mentors, Barragan. Different clusters of the units use a single saturated color on one wall to give a sense of variety to the mostly identical groupings.
And you are right, I really wanted to live in this development and experience all the 'green' things that were incorporated in it, so I'd know more about what I wanted to incorporate into our real home once we build it!
P&A, thanks for the defense, but SCS only showed his igorance with his comments, so there was no way I was offended. For your education, SCS, assuming you are able to put away your prejudices and change your mind...
1. The development was constructed to be affordable housing for the local median income.
2. Solar Thermal panels generate heat not power and are not expensive.
3. Included in the construction process was a training program to teach local youth a trade.
4. We're renting, perhaps you missed that detail.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2054
20/07/2009 12:27 am  

Good luck olive...
We will be looking forward to the pictures of interiors with the kind of furniture you will put into it (it's going to look a lot better than the oners on the project site). We will mis your regular trips to Montreal!...if you find good clay in the area we might consider joining you!

Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 23
20/07/2009 1:23 am  

The "green/sustainable"...
The "green/sustainable" movement is a politically correct, brainwashing guilt trip that has indoctrinated our children (and adults) into placing importance of a tree frog over the values of common sense, personal responsibility and even human lives. There are much more important things to worry about than your carbon footprint.In fact "green" has become an incredibly intolerant religion infecting the minds of those not living in reality.
Guess what people, your new religion will end up taxing you out the wazoo to pay for "green" jobs that pay little and will dry up in a few years. Those taxes will subsidize unsightly wind farms that can never pay for themselves. Those taxes will cause you to default on your super high tech "green" home mortgage which is double the amount of a traditional home. How long will it take for you to pay off those $75,000 solar panels? By that time, the "green" craze will be over and you'll go back to a hot water tank.
Which is more arrogant: The notion that humans are destroying the planet -or- the delusion of humans saving the planet?
Patrick and Alix, why are you so afraid of what I have to say? Perhaps it is because it does not fall in step with the socialist ideals that have invaded all facets of design and architecture, which are clearly represented on this forum. If it's ok for dcwilson, it's ok for me, right? Wrong.
Is that constructive enough for you?

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1445
20/07/2009 4:19 am  

What's so confusing about you...
What's so confusing about your perspective SCS, is how contradictory it is.
If I asked you stick your head in a garbage bag filled with a dusty mix of heavy metals, asbestos, volatile chemicals and some dried human waste...and take long deep breaths...would you? Maybe spread it on some cheese and crackers...sweeten that favorite drink. Would you allow your children to? If you correctly answered're part of the green movement. If you said yes, I'll send some flowers and a get well card if you're still around.
Green is about human lives, it just so happens we need clean air, water, food and soil. If you don't care about this planet or your children's future, or anyone other than yourself.... what is your purpose?
Sometimes the solution isn't in creating a solution to a problem, but avoid creating the problem in the first place.

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