Design Addict


Likewise, Renzo the...

Likewise, Renzo the Piano...  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
24/04/2008 10:33 am  

an architect I learned from Koen to respect and enjoy, seems to have dipped into the sod roof cliche for some green bonafides in his work on the Morrison Planetareum in my dear, beloved Golden Gate Park.

Why not plant the roofs of these buildings with soybeans and vegetables, or at least wild strawberries? Or if they have to be green-green, then sew the roof tops to alfalfa, and so reduce the distance hay bales have to be shipped to urban equestrian centers.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
24/04/2008 2:22 pm  

jeez DC, such a cynic!
I like most earthed roofed and underground buildings, don't you think theres a great deal of comfort to be felt? I like the way they force the architect to think about light more too, instead of this glaring whiteness and brightness we see so often.
A gesture can be a powerful thing!
I like the huge courtyard house below, most people would say that you'd be cheating yourself of the view but I think the right thing was done (there is still a view), why scar a coastline with a building no matter how good? And from experience I know that having a great view quickly fades, you stop appreciating it.


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