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Light bulb question

Light bulb question  


Active Member
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Posts: 19
04/08/2011 9:40 pm  

I got this cheap lamp and it came with these two bulbs. Now that I look at it, I wonder if it is actually supposed to have regular flood bulbs like an eyeball lamp? Do you think it was supposed to be this bulbous? Thanks in advance for your advice. 

Illustrious Member
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04/08/2011 9:53 pm  

It looks
correct to me. The big bulbs fill the hoops. Without them, you'd have to train
two parrots or parakeets to swing on little trapezes to fill the space . . .

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1721
04/08/2011 10:15 pm  

Are those bare bulbs?
If so, I'm afraid I'd have to disagree with SDR; it's hard to believe that that's what was intended by the designer.
Does a flood bulb fit flush in the sphere? Do you have a picture with floods installed?

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 984
04/08/2011 10:30 pm  

looks correct to me, or maybe i'm thinking of the Torino lamps.
I have one very similar to yours from a recent yard sale. It also
came with large bulbs.

Estimable Member
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04/08/2011 10:53 pm  

Looks correct
also to me. Nice lamp by the way!

Famed Member
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05/08/2011 1:15 am  

I like the parrot idea.
Smaller bulbs, bigger parrots.

Illustrious Member
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05/08/2011 3:23 am  

yeah those big bare bulbs were popular in the 70's here, almost always with a chromed tube fitting and often as a sconce. Sometimes the under half was opaque, you can still get them, I bought some compact flouro ones that size a few weeks ago, unfortuantely they are so heavy the adjustable lamp they are on has trouble keeping them in position.
Are daylight balanced (is tha the right term?) LEDs available yet?

Reputable Member
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05/08/2011 4:08 am  

I agree - big bulbs on this, I was unsure, but actually anything else just wouldn't look right - except parrots.
Re, LEDS etc. I do sometimes wake up worrying what I'll do when the powers that be ban 'proper' bulbs in favour of those nasty looking eco bulbs that are long and ugly..."why would they do this? what will I do"
I have be stashing 'old fashioned bulbs' for a few years actually - I will have the last laugh.

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05/08/2011 4:29 am  

OK thanks all, big bulbs it...
OK thanks all, big bulbs it is. Besides, any parrot in my house would be pining for the fjords after the cat got to it. I'm looking forward to cleaning up the wooden base, and de-ovalizing the bent front ring. (And by "I'm looking forward to" I mean, "I'm nagging my husband to...")

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2534
05/08/2011 8:52 am  

Tungstens have been off the market here for about a year, I have a stash too but the new comact Flourescents are ok, much better colour and maximum intesnity within a few seconds, the halogens aren't bad either but the LED light as it is is awful.


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