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Let Us Now Praise Famous Spatulas...  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
17/10/2009 3:54 am  

Yes, the time has come to nominate the best spatula you've ever owned and hopefully a link to where to buy one.

I have reached an apogee of frustration with spatulas ideal for my cast iron skillets.

Cry me a river and then:

a) recommend a good one; and/or

b) characterize the spatula that ought to be made but hasn't yet been made.

Thanks in advance.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
17/10/2009 4:14 am  

I'm assuming you mean a metal type not a rubber type
and also being a cast iron pan fan I nominate my restaurant close out special. It was bought during an auction of a local restaurant and it has been around the block and throught the dishwasher a bazillion times. I have no idea of it's provenance. It's a thin stainless blade with no perforations. It's 3"x5.5" and has a 6" handle riveted to the blade with a small offset. The handle is also stainless with some type of resin. My husband calls it 'darling'.
As in: "Where's my darling I need it to flip the burgers"
Yes, he's a very passionate cook...
I haven't seen another spatula like this one. Most seem to use the blade itself to create the offset. This one has a flat rectangle of SS riveted to an ofset handle. Maybe mine is old fashioned, but it is the very best one we've ever used. It's flexible without being floppy, it's sturdy enough to flip large pieces of meat and it's delicate enought to fold omelettes. I'd say if you can find one like my description you should by it. In fact buy three.

Famed Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 367
17/10/2009 4:36 am  

Here's mine
My parents got this when they were married, so it's over 60 years old. The handle looks it, I guess, but I still use it all the time!
It's very thin steel and is the best for getting under delicate things that even a slightly thicker blade would mess up, like an egg over easy, smallish pancakes, cookies a minute out of the oven, stuff like that. It's also the perfect width for cutting squares of my infamous super-fudgey brownies.
The bend in the blade lets you rest it on the counter without the messy end touching. It has a little bit of flex but not too much.
I've been to zillions of household auctions over the years and have seen countless boxes full of kitchen utensils. I have never, ever seen one of these spatulas. I think someone should start making them again.
IKEA actually has a similar one but the blade is thicker and it's just not as good.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1445
17/10/2009 9:09 am  

Well Spanky...
Had you...
Well Spanky...
Had you searched my drawer you would've been find your same spatula. We also have a smaller version with one side finely serrated. Perfect for cutting tougher items.
Both are like perfectly tuned instruments. Thin enough to slip underneath eggs, but not too thin to overflex. These two were inherited from my Grandparents. That makes them about 60+ years of age. Since using them, they have become my spatulas of choice.

Famed Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 367
17/10/2009 8:11 pm  

Maybe the reason I've never seen any at household auctions is because they stay in the family!


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