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Lauritz and shippin...

Lauritz and shipping costs (Denmark-France)  


Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 35
28/02/2012 7:42 pm  

(first time post; I searched the forum but did not find the answer. I am hoping more experienced forum members will be able to help)
I'd like to bid on an armchair at However, the indicated shipping costs from Kolding, Denmark and my home in Paris, France are high (250 euros), especially with respect to the estimated price of the chair (also around 250 euros).
The item is evidently too big to be sent by Danish postal service.
Do you think there are cheaper options out there (apart from picking up the chair myself, which I cannot do)?
And does anyone have experience in using transport companies not indicated by Lauritz? Did this complicate things?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 555
28/02/2012 7:58 pm  

You could try a few of the courier sites
Like Shiply or Anyvan. They're a bit like eBay - couriers bid for your delivery and you go with the cheapest or the one with the best feedback.
I've bought a chair back from Berlin to London, and another from Milan to London, and both times it has cost me around £100.
Good luck

Eminent Member
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Posts: 35
28/02/2012 8:47 pm  

any risks to not using "their" companies?
Thank you so much Danielmpool, that is very helpful! I am definitely going to look into the delivery auction sites you mentioned.
To those who have bought on Lauritz: what is your experience; are they reliable? And do you think it is safe not to use "their" transport companies? Or is there no difference?
Thanks again!
I really appreciate this site

bobbdavs (UK)
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28/02/2012 8:53 pm  

I would definatley recommend...
I would definatley recommend Shiply.

Illustrious Member
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28/02/2012 9:02 pm  

Did you see this thread?
Second to the last post, specifically. It's not about the shipping per se, but it would make me think twice about any dealings with (Not to say that I wouldn't deal with them, just that I would be very careful.)

Eminent Member
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28/02/2012 9:11 pm  

Yes I did see the thread, thanks
I am pretty sure that in my case the chair is what Lauritz claims it to be... But I do admit that I am a little nervous about using them. There is a return policy, but I would still have to pay for return shipping.

Illustrious Member
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29/02/2012 12:51 am  

The deal with
Vejsel and transport of furniture is that they are set up to handle furniture.
They have that packing materials and know how to stow the item to reduce the risk of damage.
I have not dealt with eastwind but rest assured they are insured to handle your friehgt.
My biggest worry would be to trust lauritz and heir images. Have you rung the auction house and have them clarify the piece's condition?
Good luck

Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 35
29/02/2012 5:53 pm  

Good advice!
I haven't decided if I am actually going to bid, but if I do I'll be very careful.


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