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Last-Thing-You-Acquired # 44  

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Noble Member
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24/03/2016 4:10 pm  

my latest craigslist find...

Illustrious Member
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24/03/2016 4:17 pm  

Very nice. The Hundevad is one of my favorite renditions of the Egyptian Stool.
Someone should start an Egyptian Stool show-and-tell thread, with a little background to the Danish interest in it.

Eminent Member
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25/03/2016 3:55 am  

A Bijan Babar seagull sculpture. Not sure that I like it.

Prominent Member
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28/03/2016 2:05 am  

mvalen – Love that Egyptian stool. Don't see those too often....
We picked up a few things recently, not many of which i have had a chance to photograph well. But I figured I would share nonetheless:
1) our three Irving Harper paper sculptures finally arrived – the tiny details are hard to photograph but really impressive
2) "Seamus" by Will Kurtz, from "Another Shit Show" c. 2013 (our coonhound has taken a liking to him)
3) Saarinen Grasshopper chair and ottoman back from the upholsterer
4) dining chairs for Harry Ostergaard for Moreddi (guessing these are either very early or very late production, since Randers seems to have produced most of these)

Illustrious Member
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28/03/2016 4:30 am  

With the exception of the chairs the remaining items are very eclectic and very nice. I expect the chairs to be fine. Congratulations.

Trusted Member
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30/03/2016 2:53 am  

A wood and metal kiwi to keep my bear company 🙂

Prominent Member
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01/04/2016 4:56 am  

After Botero
Pedrito on a horse statue

Illustrious Member
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01/04/2016 6:39 pm  

I decided to walk home instead of taking the subway and was not planning to acquire a DCM on a small budget. I spotted an authentic vintage DCM in walnut with an embossed HM/ Charles Eames stamp on the chair underside veneer similar to the usual foil labels.
It was being auctioned off as an unmarked replica but it was not. The mark was so faint and partially blocked by the metal rod base, so no bids but mine, the initial and only bid for $3 (only had $5 in my pocket). I carried the chair home before anyone realizes the mistake.
Not sure how the vintage foil labels are affixed to the chair undersides but it is possible that the original label long gone had left the impression on the veneer.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
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01/04/2016 7:43 pm  

Under any circumstances congratulations on your acquisition. The ignorant do have a purpose. Selling you your new chair...
I once walked past your typical "flea market" jewelry display. They were asking $100.00 for an 18kt gold ring. Upon the conclusion of the transaction the seller ask, is anything printed inside (other than the 18kt). I replied that besides Jean Schlumberger for Tiffany & Company, no.
They seemed shocked. I wondered how they stayed in business (it was rhetorical as I had no concern for them or their poor business practices except to benefit me).
I am happy for you.

Illustrious Member
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01/04/2016 7:50 pm  

So to clarify minimoma, the marking on your chair is an impression of a Herman Miller foil label that had fallen off, and the photo of the foil label is from another chair for comparision, right?
Last night I picked up a Salin Mobler teak and leather magazine rack. Each time I plan on scaling back on acquisitions, a deal finds me that I can't pass up. Then again, these deals tend to find me while I'm constantly scanning craigslist and eBay.
any photos of the ring, niceguy?

Illustrious Member
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01/04/2016 8:10 pm  

That's correct cdsilva. Maybe the embossed logo on the veneer is like the 'Shroud of Turin' but I am not really that pious.
Niceguy, I learned very early on that the only way to acquire the items I need for less is to know a lot more that the dealers/sellers. What is bad for them is good for me.
I love great design but don't have very deep pockets like others do.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
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02/04/2016 12:49 am  

Knowledge is the edge required in any business situation. Again, congratulations.
I attached a "stock photo" of the Jean Schlumberger Rope Six Row ring for Tiffany & Co. I sold this years later (also years ago - time arches on) to another dealer for a several hundred profit.
The individual that sold me the ring, received (memo) "better jewelry" from a regional pawnbroker they in turn sold at better antique shows to a different clientele. While this person was usually sharper in their dealings, their minimum acceptable offer was still a profit based on the pawnshop acquisition cost.
All these people are known to one another and no "hard feelings" existed after the deal. The seller told me they should have known better when I accepted the first price offered (we did business many times in the past).
I was so concerned with my story that I failed to congratulate you on your acquisition. Nice and useful.
In the area of collecting, I find reasoning to be only an option. Passion appears to be a priority.

Illustrious Member
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02/04/2016 1:30 am  

Your story was much better than mine.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
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02/04/2016 3:07 am  

Live long enough and all stories get better... Yours is good enough for me.
After reviewing the images you provided I now know that I desire a Salin Mobler teak blanket box or just that particular case good. I always had a good toy box as a child.
Bob Hannah (imbd) used to say "never let the truth stand in the way of a good story" (I thought he may be acting until confirmed dead).
cdsilva, just for you...:
This same individual after a particularly flowery introduction would say "I wish my Mom and Dad where here tonight... my mother would believe this and my father would appreciate it.
I would humble him by letting him know he sucked in his first speaking role in Invasion USA (a bad Chuck Norris movie).

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
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02/04/2016 4:18 pm  

I've added to my petting zoo. A gift from my favorite gals at the resale store. A rhino planter. No smell.
Your Aunt Mark

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